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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    [SIZE=3]Poor Don... Can't get down to the stripers because all those pesky tuna are hitting the baits before it gets down to them... Impressive fishing. When I was growing up, huge swaths of Jamaica Bay was anoxic.. No fish at all. Amazing turn around. As for 'Irish Lightening' causing the fire at Breezy, it's unlikely if not impossible. The fire started while Breezy Point proper was inundated by Sandy.. There was virtually no one out there so it's impossible it was arson. Flood and fire damage often go hand in hand.. And why would anyone want to burn? These summer homes were were skyrocketing in value and the place was - and remains - quite quant. As I mentioned, the houses were so very close together allowing the fire jumped the storm's standing water between them. My friend posted on Facebook the next day that he had lost his house.. I think the Daily News posted an aerial shot and his house was RIGHT NEXT to the last one burned. I'm the one who told him his house was saved, actually. His plastic siding was melted from the heat from the fire next door - and that house was a total loss. I'm not familiar with Silver Point so I can't comment.
    Here's a pic of the fire damage from that day. You can still see the standing water.
    That's quite a view of the aftermath. Looks legit, considering the close proximity of the houses. But nothing
    burns on Long Island without someone pointing the finger, as arson and insurance fraud are rampant hereabouts.
    I've seen some real fuckups in my home town get away with it somehow.
    Breezy Point is on Rockaway Inlet, Silver Point is on East Rockaway Inlet, in West Atlantic Beach.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    That's quite a view of the aftermath. Looks legit, considering the close proximity of the houses. But nothing
    burns on Long Island without someone pointing the finger, as arson and insurance fraud are rampant hereabouts.
    I've seen some real fuckups in my home town get away with it somehow.
    Breezy Point is on Rockaway Inlet, Silver Point is on East Rockaway Inlet, in West Atlantic Beach.
    Think of me the next time you're up in the North Country.. Maybe a beer, maybe some fishing...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    Yeah. When my dad (RIP) told me about Stompanato he did not like him at all. I think someone played him in the movie LA Confidential in the 90's My guess is he was drunk and mouthing off and maybe started with my dad. Who knows. He never told me what the fight was over and I didn't ask him except he said he punched him out. My dad hated that shit. My dad did love being in Guam though. He was young too then (17 to 19).

    Just researching this Stompanato guy and ran across a piece stating that Sean Connery was in a movie with Lana Turner in the 60's and Stompanato came on to the set and literally pushed Turner around in front of the whole cast. Connery stood up and put his lights out with one punch. Connery, I've read, was a pro boxer before he got into acting. Would have loved to see that one!

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  7. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Just researching this Stompanato guy and ran across a piece stating that Sean Connery was in a movie with Lana Turner in the 60's and Stompanato came on to the set and literally pushed Turner around in front of the whole cast. Connery stood up and put his lights out with one punch. Connery, I've read, was a pro boxer before he got into acting. Would have loved to see that one!
    Wow! I didn't know that. Pretty neat. He seemed like he was a gigolo. Kind of like niggers are today but he was human. Think niggers and the Kardashians. But still a sleazebag. He was one of the main enforcers for Mickey Cohen. Yeah. My dad served with him in the Pacific Theater. Punched him out there. Needless to say he didn't like him. They were just starting to desegregate. I think Truman signed that lovely piece of legislation. I could be wrong. He did see a black woman who had a half black half Chinese daughter. She was married to a Chinese guy. My dad said that was the first time he saw anything like that as mixed marriages were extremely rare then. I think illegal in most of the U.S. This was the late 1940's so it was like seeing a unicorn. Of course today it is not that common but back then it was like a unicorn.

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  9. #25
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    Sounds like a normal nigger sprog and she did the right thing!
    The only "advanced nigger run nation" in the world, Wakanda, is in a pre-adolescent, comic book, super hero fantasy created by whites.
    I learned racism from the nigs. I am not a white supremacist, just a black inferioricist.

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  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    Wow! I didn't know that. Pretty neat. He seemed like he was a gigolo. Kind of like niggers are today but he was human. Think niggers and the Kardashians. But still a sleazebag. He was one of the main enforcers for Mickey Cohen. Yeah. My dad served with him in the Pacific Theater. Punched him out there. Needless to say he didn't like him. They were just starting to desegregate. I think Truman signed that lovely piece of legislation. I could be wrong. He did see a black woman who had a half black half Chinese daughter. She was married to a Chinese guy. My dad said that was the first time he saw anything like that as mixed marriages were extremely rare then. I think illegal in most of the U.S. This was the late 1940's so it was like seeing a unicorn. Of course today it is not that common but back then it was like a unicorn.
    Even neater was your Dad putting the little woman-beating slug down... As I mentioned earlier, Sean Connery laid him out for pushing around Lana Turner on set.

    Mixed Marriages a 'unicorn'... More like a sludge beast... At least black human ones are...

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  13. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    New York has it's charms. Just know niggers can smell tourists like sharks smell blood in the water. They'll attack given the opportunity, or no opportunity at all. There's a look you develop - one of both mild confidence and awareness. You also minimize possible windows of opportuntiy for the nigger beast. You simply don't go strolling around nigger neighborhoods regardless of time of day. They will fuck with you regardless of your size. You stay in crowded subway cars, even if you have to move, even if you stand rather than sit...
    Haha, yes, they probably immediately recognized me as a tourist. And 30 years ago I have been 20 and did not know a thing about the beast. Just attended a conference at mit, had a free weekend, never been to New York before and decided it would be a nice weekend trip. Of course I visited mainly the tourist spots as well (Times Square, Empire State Building, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge ...), so an easy target. But of course despite being young and stupid, I was not stupid enough to go to Harlem .

    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Breezy is fucking awesome. These houses are not much bigger than cabanas. 2x4 walls, tin rooves. no central heat if they have heat at all. so closely packed you can hear your neighbor sneeze. Often, you have to walk over a 1/4 mile from parking to your place. There are stacks of free wagons next to the parking lot so people can haul their stuff. They're never stolen... you're in NYC and on the beach... AND NIGGER FREE... It's all NYC cops and firemen... or mostly, anyways... My friend has one he lucked into 20+ years ago but he's a banker, tho... He's as irish as can be so he fits right in. Needless to say, I visit whenever I can.
    Cool, at least to me that sounds like a fantastic place! Neither do I need a big house (European :-), not used to that anyway) nor would I mind walking a few minutes to my car, especially not when the result is proximity to the ocean and quietness. Only the "hear your neighbour sneeze" thing is not exactly my cup of tea. Highly theoretical anyway, since you mentioned the house prices. Crazy!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Even neater was your Dad putting the little woman-beating slug down... As I mentioned earlier, Sean Connery laid him out for pushing around Lana Turner on set.

    Mixed Marriages a 'unicorn'... More like a sludge beast... At least black human ones are...

    Thanks. I miss my dad. He was one of a kind. Cancer got him too soon in the early 1990's. Stamponato was killed in 1958 by Turner's daughter (justifiable homicide). My guess is he was bothering a woman and the woman told him to leave her alone and my dad intervened. I could totally see my dad doing that. The mixed kid he saw was part Chinese and part Nog. You just did not see that back then. Today I guess it would be like Tiger Woods or that Rock.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    Thanks. I miss my dad. He was one of a kind...
    Damn, I can relate... I lost mine 5+ years ago now and I still find myself 'talking' to him... Thanking him for showing my how to lay out tools to fix equipment, mowing a lawn, painting a house - Just be a decent person... I've done lots of intense stuff from handling WW II ordnance in the Pacific to commercial diving in the Arctic, (and I can provide pics) but I still well up so very often at the thought of not having him - or my Mom, for that matter... Hell of a thing, this 'death' crap... I don't recall signing up for dealing with that awfulness. Where the hell do I opt out and get my parents back???

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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    Since Asians in general don't really like niggers, I would not be too surprised if the mother had been raped by a shitbeast. But at least she did the right thing at last, and that probably saved her own life in the long run. The only thing that bothers me: Why did she admit she killed the little thug when its body wasn't found?

    I really like this thread! I am not really familiar with NYC, have been there only for one weekend in the mid 90s as a student when attending a conference in Boston. Even though Guilani was major back then, I didn't like it: Loud, dirty, too many people. And the worst: niggers trying to sell their own "music" CDs, or panhandling. And I did not hate them at that time, but they really bothered me. Back then I assumed that they just realized that I was a tourist. Of course it is a nice cosmopolitan city, some very cool buildings and museums etc., but I simply did not feel safe. On the other hand I was young, and at that time I lived in Munich. Back then Munich was completely nigger free, and almost sand nigger free, a really safe town, so the contrast was very stark.

    That being said, I googled Breezy Point. That seems to be a lovely place! Nigger free, and yet non-posh, at the ocean, quiet and still NYC. If I had to work in New York, I'd try to live there. Must be really nice, especially in summer. And the first two google results complain about how evil and racist the people of Breezy Point are .
    That happened to me when I was in NYC back in 2017. My daughter was going to school out there. I'm walking through Times Square and some nig wants me to buy his shit CD. I give him 3 dollars just to get rid of him. He said that is not enough and he needed more and to get my "stripper money". WTF. Cops allow this shit! I am from Chicago so I was slightly used to it but NYC is like 5 Chicagos. That is how I saw it.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kagman View Post
    Damn, I can relate... I lost mine 5+ years ago now and I still find myself 'talking' to him... Thanking him for showing my how to lay out tools to fix equipment, mowing a lawn, painting a house - Just be a decent person... I've done lots of intense stuff from handling WW II ordnance in the Pacific to commercial diving in the Arctic, (and I can provide pics) but I still well up so very often at the thought of not having him - or my Mom, for that matter... Hell of a thing, this 'death' crap... I don't recall signing up for dealing with that awfulness. Where the hell do I opt out and get my parents back???
    Same here! I lost my mom a few years back. It is awful. The grieving process sucks but you have to go through it. You really do go through those stages. What I regret is my dad never got to meet my kids. And I know I made mistakes I would not have made had he been here.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    That happened to me when I was in NYC back in 2017. My daughter was going to school out there. I'm walking through Times Square and some nig wants me to buy his shit CD. I give him 3 dollars just to get rid of him. He said that is not enough and he needed more and to get my "stripper money". WTF. Cops allow this shit! I am from Chicago so I was slightly used to it but NYC is like 5 Chicagos. That is how I saw it.

    I have to say, that is rare nowadays cops are on that shit in a heart beat.... Time Square used to be a seedy adventure land with flea circuses, porn theaters, 3-card monte tables on every corner - drug deals going down in every third doorway, neat street vendors... Now, it's corporate Disney and MGM, Safe, wonderful for the kids and I've brought my daughter there a few times but something has been lost, something uniquely New York...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    I'm guessing the racial makeup of Pacific islanders varies widely, and that most are human. Too bad someone had to introduce
    a negro parasite onto that tropical paradise. At least it's mother cleaned up the racial abomination it was responsible for.
    Tell me, where do "Volcano niggers", like The Rock, hail from ? Pacific area blacks seem to run the gamut, from Aussie abo's, to
    straight up Papua New Guinea bush niggers, with Maoris, Samoans, Tahitians, and Asian-type islanders, like filipinos, also present.
    Inbreeding on isolated islands has to have taken place. I'd like to hear your assessment of the aforementioned populations, and how
    they stack up versus whites, and if any of them are sub-human, like African blacks. This subject is of great interest to us Chimpers.

    I read that Aussie Abo's they had no idea how the hell they got there. Like their ancestry. I could be wrong.

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  27. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    That happened to me when I was in NYC back in 2017. My daughter was going to school out there. I'm walking through Times Square and some nig wants me to buy his shit CD. I give him 3 dollars just to get rid of him. He said that is not enough and he needed more and to get my "stripper money". WTF. Cops allow this shit! I am from Chicago so I was slightly used to it but NYC is like 5 Chicagos. That is how I saw it.
    You'll laugh, but the CD thing happened to me at Times Square as well. Perhaps even the same nigger. Really surprising they are still doing this, I thought nobody is buying CDs any more. "stripper money"!? Disgusting beasts! I know what I would have told it!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ray Cizzums View Post
    I've seen some real fuckups in my home town get away with it somehow..

    I've seen insurance fraud only once. This, my boss' secretary and it was up here in Northern New York. We were discussing renting storage lockers and she told me she rented one once because she needed a place to store all her valuables because they burned down their house 5 or so years previously. Even told me how.. put diesel fuel in the dryer exhaust vent hose and lit it. NO one fucking questioned a thing. I would have gone to the cops but it was after statute of limitations for such things... To be honest, I'm not sure if I would have or not... Discretion is sometimes the better part of valor.

    That was one fucked up place to work.... 5 years in that cesspool. Anyway, for what it's worth...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Celticgirl View Post
    My dad was stationed in Guam in the marines in the late 1940's early 1950's. He used to tell me stories about it. He said he got into a fistfight with mobster Johnny Stamponato there. Stamponato was the guy who was dating Lana Turner and her daughter stabbed him and killed him for being abusive to her mother. He worked for Mickey Cohen in the L.A. mob. Yeah, my dad used to tell me about Guam.
    Funny story about Stompanato was the time he went to England to confront Sean Connery about him doing heavy love scenes with an actress that he had the hots for. What Stomp didn't know was that Sean was a devout weightlifter and a martial arts blackbelt and he trained hard for several hours each day. So Stomp pulls a gun on Sean on a movie set. Sean took the gun away from him and proceeded to beat the living shit out of him. They deported Stomp back to the U.S. after that and he went back to Mickey Cohen with a black eye and multiple injuries.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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