Yeah, too easy, I know.

Blount, a savage silverback who was charged with attempted murder, robbery and assault, allegedly kicked the 57-year-old city health worker down the stairs and bashed her head repeatedly with a hammer at a subway station, leaving her critically wounded.
I guess all those counselors aren't working out too well, Eric.

  • The attack comes days after NYC Mayor Eric Adams vowed to crackdown on subway crime and deployed 1,000 additional officers to the transit system
  • Subway stabbings and slashings have spiked 29 percent in the last last year, with 182 incidents compared to 141 in 2020
The willful blindness that these statistics are the result of nigger-loving cannot be mentioned and it can't be a hate crime, since a nigger did it.

Better stay home, people. Your chance of being attacked by niggers if you venture out in public is too great.