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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Okay, so this isn't really about niggers, unless "acting like a nigger" counts, but it's really starting to feel tedious and annoying to me at this point how Biden keeps telling us that Russia is going to invade Ukraine and/or start a war. Every day, Biden is revealing that there is some magic new intel that proves Russia is going to attack tomorrow, but then Russia doesn't attack.

    I honestly don't know why they are so adamant about this war thing instead of just saying that the Russians are performing war drills or whatever on the border. All Putin has to do to make Biden look like an idiot is literally nothing.

    And when Biden and his cronies were talking about false flags and stuff... how are we supposed to know that the US government itself isn't going to initiate a false flag attack just to create a conflict between Ukraine and Russia? I mean, it wouldn't be the first time we've done something like that to sabotage foreign governments, and at this point, it wouldn't surprise me if Biden ordered his people to do exactly that rather than admit that he made a mistake.

    Besides all of that, I don't see why Biden cares so much about Ukraine's borders when he doesn't want to secure America's borders. That asshole should worry about the USA first, and everyone else last. We need to be a little bit more selfish as a nation.

    Here is a small list of things I think Biden should fix in the USA before starting World War 3:
    1. We need deflation, not inflation.
    2. Create the means of production for various goods so we aren't reliant so on foreign nations.
    3. Give up on green energy and open up the oil pipelines.
    4. Stop supporting BLM.
    5. Stop supporting Antifa.
    6. Openly support the police and the rule of law. (Just saying you support the police is meaningless when you enact laws and policies that are literally getting them killed every day during your administration.)
    7. Ship all African-Americans and any "human" niggerlovers to Africa.
    8. Raise the standards in schools. Maybe create a system where people have to take an IQ test of some sort to get into universities, and mandate that they only pursue fields of study that will benefit their communities in some way. Also ban people from pursuing studies that they are probably going to fail, unless they pay for it with their own money.
    9. We need a system where humans are judged by the content of their character, and not their skin color or religion. Attacking whites, humans of color, or Jews because of their skin color or beliefs is wrong. Putting them in jail, prison, or a sanitarium because they are criminals and/or a threat to the community is okay.
    10. Ban insider trading among elected politicians, their spouses, family members, and friends. It's disturbing how blatantly corrupt that is. I mean, they can literally enact rules and laws that directly have an effect on stocks, and since they know this beforehand, they can purchase or sell stocks accordingly to make massive profits.
    11. Drain the swamp.
    12. Publicly list the names of all the people that went to Pedo Island and raped little kids before the cameras mysteriously fail in Ghislaine Maxwell's prison cell and she "commits suicide" like her other two comrades.

    Let's go Brandon
    My sentiments, exactly! I'd add another point or two, but that is probably what you had in mind with "Drain the swamp":

    13. People who get paid by the government (gov. employed / on welfare) should not be allowed to vote.
    14. Get rid of privileges for celebrities (harmonize copyright to patent law, disallow surreptitious advertisement)
    15. Restrict the total taxation (e.g. tie it to GDP or the average income, ...)

    By the way: Since I've been working abroad for a few moths in a completely nigger- and asslifter free country, I decided to ignore the news. So I had to look "Let's go Brandon" up. Gorgeous! Damn libtards!

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    It's hard to make any sense about Ukraine until you understand what the problem is. In a nutshell, the real reason Biden is making noise about Russia being in Ukraine has to do with stopping the Nord-Stream II pipeline. This was something Obama and Hillary wanted to stop as well. NSII was built to bypass Ukraine and Poland, coming from Vyborg, Russia directly into northern Germany, and is set to deliver 55 billion cubic meters of natural gas every year to western Europe once it passes regulatory approval. If and when it does, it'll supply roughly 43% of Europe's natural gas energy needs. In order to move this process along, someone has apparently decided that Ukraine energy production needs to be crippled, to create the necessary conditions for fast track approval of NSII. We're talking about big fucking $$$ here. It's not an accident or coincidence that Putin's first real opening move yesterday was to hit a Ukraine pipeline.

    This is a problem, because Bagman Biden and family, along with others like the Clintons, reap significant kickbacks from Ukrainian companies like Burisma, and this threatens their under-the-table income streams, because Ukraine, for all intents and purposes, bought mafia-style protection from The Vegetable, and now they are demanding he use his position to honor his end of the arrangement, otherwise, he stops getting paid, and people like Crackhead Hunter start getting clicked by pissed off Ukrainian energy interests. Committing US troops to the area amounts to that mafia-style protection of the existing energy infrastructure, and keeping existing 'arrangements' in place. If not for the energy profits, no one in D.C. would give two fucks about what Putin did in Ukraine. But, once again, we're going to put American service personnel in harm's way for this bullshit, using them like they were private security in the employ of the elites, just like Kuwait/Iraq. Here's some background:

    This has absolutely nothing to fucking do with Ukraine joining NATO, or any other happy horseshit like that. Their government is too corrupt, even by our standards in DC. NSII goes live, tons of money goes into Putin's coffers. Joey Two-Scoops ain't having any bullshit cutting into his family's illicit profits. Once again, IT'S ALL ABOUT THE FUCKING ENERGY, and who profits from the sale of it. Period. All the rest is a just a dog-and-pony show. Man, I miss the fucking cold war...
    Since I discovered on how many topic media/govt. lies to us concerning WWI & WWII, I generally don't trust anything coming from UN, or governments any more. So the linked article could be absolutely true. And it was not the first time I read that, this article goes even further:
    What I don't understand though: Europe already gets half of its gas from Russia, through an old and leaky (who knows how much gas Ukraine steals on the way) pipeline. So where is the difference to NS2 II? Very strange!

    Apart from that, very few people understand why Putin is backed by the Russians (funniest thing to my mind is that they always tell us that he only wins because of fraud, and at the same time tell us that is is a "conspiracy theory" that there is something like voter fraud in the west): In the 90s, after the end of the Soviet Union, many ordinary people were actually starving and freezing to death, while the former socialist murderers became super wealthy over night by stealing the former state owned companies, oil fields, buildings and so on. People had to hide their money from the police, because at traffic checks they got their money stolen (simply because army&police did not get paid as well). Putin re-established law&order, threw corrupt judges, oligarchs, etc. into jail, redistributed the former state owned property to the people (e.g. gave everybody the house he was living in), introduced freedom of the press and so on. Today Russia has less political corruption than Germany, UK ... and Ukraine.
    While I personally don't think we will ever learn the real reason behind the Ukraine/Russia conflict, I doubt that Putin will start a war, but surely he won't back off either. I do think our braindead monkeys (SJ, Harris, Merkel, Macron vdL...) are far more dangerous than Putin.

  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    I watched for over twenty years from the inside. I know what kind of shit shape our military is in firsthand. I thought we had problems going in but by the time I left, I knew that we would never be able to fight a war for our survival again. Oh, sure, we still push around nations for the petro-dollar globalist, but if the shit hits the fan and the enemy comes ashore, we're fucked.

    Remember that Japan's tipping point with it's decision to attack was when it's ambassadors visited an Army base and found the troops drilling with broomsticks instead of rifles. They considered us a joke at that point. That was bad enough and now we've spent every year since fighting wars we had no business fighting and stretching our forces thinner than a truck stop condom.

    By the time I retired, we spent more time training on EEO, sexual harassment, diebursity, 'scriminashuns, inclusion and every other libshit stupid idea than we spent on training to actually do our damn jobs. Even our yearly 2 day safety stand down which was started after a rash of aircraft mishaps some twenty years ago, devolved into a day of safe sex and sexual harassment/assault prevention. Hint: Don't screw a military woman if she's had a single drink and get consent in writing and no means no after the fact as well. Better yet, just avoid them like the plague. I know I did.

    Right now, our military dollars are being spent giving sex change operations for the mentally ill that shouldn't be in uniform to begin with. This is the same military that forced out homosexuals less than 30 years ago. Now we have to figure out how to provide berthing and bathing for 52 & counting different genders (whatever the hell that made up word is supposed to mean).

    You can stick a fork in this country. We're done. I honestly don't see any way around it at this point. It's the fall of Rome all over again for mostly the same reasons.
    Good grief!
    The whole country has been destroyed by liberals!

  5. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    By the time I retired, we spent more time training on EEO, sexual harassment, diebursity, 'scriminashuns, inclusion and every other libshit stupid idea than we spent on training to actually do our damn jobs. Even our yearly 2 day safety stand down which was started after a rash of aircraft mishaps some twenty years ago, devolved into a day of safe sex and sexual harassment/assault prevention. Hint: Don't screw a military woman if she's had a single drink and get consent in writing and no means no after the fact as well. Better yet, just avoid them like the plague. I know I did.

    Right now, our military dollars are being spent giving sex change operations for the mentally ill that shouldn't be in uniform to begin with. This is the same military that forced out homosexuals less than 30 years ago. Now we have to figure out how to provide berthing and bathing for 52 & counting different genders (whatever the hell that made up word is supposed to mean).

    You can stick a fork in this country. We're done. I honestly don't see any way around it at this point. It's the fall of Rome all over again for mostly the same reasons.
    The same can be said for all the western countries. Germany & Switzerland are at least as bad. We are doomed. I know I already posted that video a while ago, but it just matches your comment so well that I can't resist:

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    What I don't understand though: Europe already gets half of its gas from Russia, through an old and leaky (who knows how much gas Ukraine steals on the way) pipeline. So where is the difference to NS2 II? Very strange!

    In it's simplest form it's just run of the mill backroom bribes from the old boy network.

    Ukraine has the Brotherhood and Soyuz pipelines feeding Europe to there west. This system is old and in need of serious repair or replacement. In the meantime, Russia built the NS2. Super high tech, new materials, direct route and will outlast the other two. Lower cost means more profit. Ukraine could not possibly offer this or any other kind of meaningful incentive to buy gas from their old system.

    In a free market new, shiny, high tech, more capacity and cheaper beats the old beater on blocks in the backyard anytime. Ukraine was SOL. Enter Biden and his meth-head kid. If you don't have 18 billion dollars lying around to repair your POS system, it makes a hell of a lot more sense to make the competition's system illegal. For pennies on the dollar, the Bidens were bribed to move against the NS2. Every political trick in the book has been used to stall it for years starting with the Clintons. Trump was the only one that kept his hands off the situation and let the free market run.

    Now it's payback time for the "Big Guy." The thing about taking bribes is that you now have to give more than you bargained for to pay it back - always. If you think Hunter's laptop was bad, I'll guarantee you that Ukraine has more dirt on the both of them that you can possible imagine complete with every signed receipt, and underage sex tape that Hunter has ever starred in. Biden has no choice. He must go against Putin at this point or risk embarrassment and prison for the family.

    This folks. Stupid shit like this is how wars actually start.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  7. #26
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    Are you sure Biden is aware of this? Are you sure he is conscious? Are you sure Biden is considered alive?

  8. #27
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    While I still don't believe that Putin will actually invade Ukraine over this,
    Being wrong.
    Just a few days ago.
    Glad I didn't make a wager on that one.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  9. #28
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    I'm sure all the diplomatic niggers installed into the US government will be able to fix the problem. Where would we be without niggers eh?
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    Since Trump projected strength, Putin behaved himself!! Now with corn pop and kamoola and all of the @$$h0les in the current administration, Putin fears NOTHING!!
    Haywood, you've summed it up in two sentences!
    This is an emergency; America needs to find some way of getting Trump back in the White House - and QUICK!

    I'm not one generally for conspiracy theories, but it makes you wonder if this isn't part of a much bigger plan. First Covid, then the fixed U.S. election, a useless President in office, Russia goes into Ukraine, and China supports them.
    Maybe so far the East's plan is coming along nicely for them?

  11. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    The same can be said for all the western countries. Germany & Switzerland are at least as bad. We are doomed. I know I already posted that video a while ago, but it just matches your comment so well that I can't resist:
    Thanks for posting that link. My God, I am truly shocked at that video!!!!!! So things have really come this far down? God help the western world!

  12. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Here is a small list of things I think Biden should fix in the USA before starting World War 3:
    1. We need deflation, not inflation.
    2. Create the means of production for various goods so we aren't reliant so on foreign nations.
    3. Give up on green energy and open up the oil pipelines.
    4. Stop supporting BLM.
    5. Stop supporting Antifa.
    6. Openly support the police and the rule of law. (Just saying you support the police is meaningless when you enact laws and policies that are literally getting them killed every day during your administration.)
    7. Ship all African-Americans and any "human" niggerlovers to Africa.
    8. Raise the standards in schools. Maybe create a system where people have to take an IQ test of some sort to get into universities, and mandate that they only pursue fields of study that will benefit their communities in some way. Also ban people from pursuing studies that they are probably going to fail, unless they pay for it with their own money.
    9. We need a system where humans are judged by the content of their character, and not their skin color or religion. Attacking whites, humans of color, or Jews because of their skin color or beliefs is wrong. Putting them in jail, prison, or a sanitarium because they are criminals and/or a threat to the community is okay.
    10. Ban insider trading among elected politicians, their spouses, family members, and friends. It's disturbing how blatantly corrupt that is. I mean, they can literally enact rules and laws that directly have an effect on stocks, and since they know this beforehand, they can purchase or sell stocks accordingly to make massive profits.
    11. Drain the swamp.

    Let's go Brandon
    A manifesto to whole-heartedly support!

  13. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Being wrong.
    Just a few days ago.
    Glad I didn't make a wager on that one.
    Same here! I never would have guessed that!

  14. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Thanks for posting that link. My God, I am truly shocked at that video!!!!!! So things have really come this far down? God help the western world!
    Yes, that's how I feel as well! Just imagine somebody would have shown you something like that just 10 years ago, it would have been a fantastic comedy. Today it's reality. And the US army probably is not the worst, just take a look at Germany and their last three defence minister ladies. Beyond ridiculous! Their only concern was 'toxic males', 'racism', 'uniforms for pregnant soldiers', and to fast track incompetent females. I am so glad at least in Switzerland everyone owns a gun!

  15. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Haywood, you've summed it up in two sentences!
    This is an emergency; America needs to find some way of getting Trump back in the White House - and QUICK!

    I'm not one generally for conspiracy theories, but it makes you wonder if this isn't part of a much bigger plan. First Covid, then the fixed U.S. election, a useless President in office, Russia goes into Ukraine, and China supports them.
    Maybe so far the East's plan is coming along nicely for them?
    It CERTAINLY seems that way to me!!

  16. #35
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    Frankly, it sucks to be a Western European right now. It feels you have to choose between being mudslime asslifter invaders' bitch or Putin's bitch.

    Brits, congratulations once again for Brexit. Mr. Boris Johnson seem to be the only European leader with balls right now. The European Union cuck "leaders" are like "ummm, excuse me... excuse me Mr. Putin. You really shouldn't be doing that. Now be nice or we ban Russia from the Eurovision Song Contest".

    And hands up, I was wrong about Putin. I actually found it quite amusing how he pissed of the libtards. I thought he is just showing some muscle because he can and the leftard Cuckropean Union don't dare to say anything but I didn't really think he'd really do something as this bad. Let's face it, that fucking midget really is batshit crazy.

    Sympathy for Ukrainian friends and no offense to Russian friends, I know that many, and hopefully, most of you don't agree with Putin.

    Sorry, this rant wasn't nigger bashing but I just had to write something into a not-cucked forum.

  17. #36
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    Biden is not only trying to pay back his debt$ for Hunter'$ and his own bribe money, he is also going to have to cover up all of the potentially damning information about the dozen+ bio-weapons labs that have been operating below the radar there. One of America's dirty little secrets is that when the scum sucking demons in our government want to do something that is illegal here or internationally, they simply hire outside contractors. Just like shipping our "enhanced interrogation techniques" to Gitmo, they also fund programs overseas for WMD's that would never fly in the states. Bio-weapons are illegal under international treaties. This is why it is done in places like Ukraine or Wuhan and who knows where else. It gives the DC bastards plausible deniability.

    DC and the rest of the globalist cannot afford for the secrets in those labs to fall into the wrong hands during the fog of war in the days to come or they could be fucked.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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