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  1. #1
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    UPDATE: The People's Republic of CA suing Tesla because niggers, something something

    Black Workers Say Racism Is Rampant Inside Tesla. Now California Could Sue.

    Wherever whitey invents something new, niggers will always try to muscle in and take from it. And when that fails, just scream "rayciss!" and sue. It's like a modern day Sisyphus, whitey will never reach the stars while hordes of sponging niggers keep them back.
    Last week, former Tesla employee Kaylen Barker filed a lawsuit against the electric carmaker for allegedly disregarding her complaints of racial discrimination, saying that “being a Black worker at a Tesla’s renowned California factory, is to be forced to step back in time and suffer painful abuses reminiscent of the Jim Crow Era.”

    The 25-year-old, who is Black and gay, claims a white coworker at the company’s Lathrop plant called her the N-word and assaulted her with a hot grinding tool. After Barker complained to human resources, Tesla allegedly retaliated by withholding her wages.

    Barker’s civil suit is one of multiple cases in recent months to paint a disturbing picture of a hostile work environment for women and people of color at the clean-energy giant’s factories. And it comes a mere four months after a jury awarded another former employee, Owen Diaz, nearly $137 million over racism he encountered in the workplace which included coworkers hurling racial epithets and telling him to “go back to Africa.”
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Cmpanies should quit hiring niggers but they will then sue for not being hired. Pretty sure I said this before in here. It’s always lose-lose with niggers.

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  4. #3
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    Japan manufactures cars with no problems. Why can't America?

    Tesla Sued by California Agency for Alleged Racial Discrimination, Harassment

    A California regulatory agency said it filed a lawsuit against Tesla Inc., TSLA -2.95% alleging racial discrimination and harassment at the electric-vehicle maker.

    The California Department of Fair Employment and Housing said it filed the complaint Wednesday in state court. The lawsuit targets alleged workplace issues at Tesla’s Fremont factory, the company’s principal U.S. car plant.

    “After receiving hundreds of complaints from workers, DFEH found evidence that Tesla’s Fremont factory is a racially segregated workplace where Black workers are subjected to racial slurs and discriminated against in job assignments, discipline, pay, and promotion creating a hostile work environment,” Kevin Kish, the agency’s director, said in a statement.

    Tesla didn’t respond to requests for comment.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  5. #4
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    The best reason to buy a tesla so far . Apart from that, everybody knows most of the swastikas, KKK and 'nigger' graffiti's are usually done by lefties and niggers themselves, so that they can demand money, shriek 'racisss' etc. Niggers ruin everything!! And I personally don't want to drive a nigger assembled car!

  6. #5
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    I posted about this a while ago. Elon Musk is a smart guy and listens, and anticipates.
    But big mistake to hire niggers whatsoever,
    in the niggerfuxxed bay area
    And he knows that now for sure. Just take a look at his recent comments in the news. I am sure that he knows the deal now.
    Niggers trying to sue him for hiring them... all it is.. one nigger won a nigger lotto... now they all got dollar signs in their nigger eyes...
    duh racisms... oh..
    everything that happened there is all now his fault because he has the money.

    I think before he was naive. If he can get out of this with his money still intact I will be impressed.

    Perhaps this guy has a political future?

    Hire a worthless nigger and how does it repay you? With a lawsuit.
    You "saved it" from the projects does it show any appreciation at all .... NO ... just wants to sue your whitey ass...

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  8. #6
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    That's what you get for hiring niggerfaggots.

  9. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Socialism_is_terrorism View Post
    The best reason to buy a tesla so far . Apart from that, everybody knows most of the swastikas, KKK and 'nigger' graffiti's are usually done by lefties and niggers themselves, so that they can demand money, shriek 'racisss' etc. Niggers ruin everything!! And I personally don't want to drive a nigger assembled car!
    If a nigger ever assembles a car it's more than likely it will do a terrible job on it given that they're lazy bastards. So if one gets in a car accident due to a malfunctioning shit assembled car by a nigger, they wouldn't blame the poor wittle innocent nigger, they'd blame the person who bought it or make up some random excuse to save the niggers asses.

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