Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
Michael Eisner – major owner of Walt Disney & ABC.
Leonard Goldenson – president of ABC
Dana Freedmon Walden - Chairman of Entertainment, Walt Disney Television.

Yeah, this fatty knows how to bite the hand that overfeeds her.
It not only stole the last name of a Jewish person, but it has forgotten how much the Jews have done for niggers. While many may think it was a mistake, Jews have played a large part in the American civil rights movements.

Whoopi says she made her comments out of ignorance, but as they say in the legal world, "ignorance is not an excuse."

The vast majority of hate crimes committed against Jews in recent years have been perpetrated by niggers. The social experiment involving treating niggers as if they were just like us has clearly failed.

Also, I'm sure one of the reasons many Jews may not want to be lumped in with whites is because it makes them even more of a target than they already are. After all, CRT preaches that white people are responsible for all of the ills of the world.