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Thread: Cat 5 Chimpout

  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Cat 5 Chimpout

    This isn't my video, but we were in the area when this happened.

    On Friday, we were in the city centre because Ms Chimpout needed some new clothes and other bits, We were walking from one of the stores to get something to eat when we saw all the ferral teenapers in Piccadilly Gardens. Based on this, we decided to go to another area of the city centre and get steak (nigger free and full of humans, Just the way I like my resturants)

    Turns out the niggers were there to chimp and they went in to McNigs, chimped out (don't think they were gibs some free chiggun nuggets)

    Nigger wranglers turned up, rounded up the main chimps and the others went back to the gardens and chimped some more.

    Humans were out numbered sadly.

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  3. #2
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chimpout View Post
    This isn't my video, but we were in the area when this happened.

    On Friday, we were in the city centre because Ms Chimpout needed some new clothes and other bits, We were walking from one of the stores to get something to eat when we saw all the ferral teenapers in Piccadilly Gardens. Based on this, we decided to go to another area of the city centre and get steak (nigger free and full of humans, Just the way I like my resturants)

    Turns out the niggers were there to chimp and they went in to McNigs, chimped out (don't think they were gibs some free chiggun nuggets)

    Nigger wranglers turned up, rounded up the main chimps and the others went back to the gardens and chimped some more.

    Humans were out numbered sadly.
    Too bad da' poleez in England can't carry guns!!

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  5. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    Too bad da' poleez in England can't carry guns!!
    They can. Most of them traditionally don't because their country was so peaceful back when it was all white.

    Now that niggers are being imported by the boatload and planeload, it's only a matter of time before da po-po will have to change their policy and carry guns just to deal with chimping niggers.

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  7. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Anastasia View Post
    They can. Most of them traditionally don't because their country was so peaceful back when it was all white.

    Now that niggers are being imported by the boatload and planeload, it's only a matter of time before da po-po will have to change their policy and carry guns just to deal with chimping niggers.
    Tru Dat!!

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  9. #5
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    Ms Chimpout said when we were up there later that the last time she saw niggers move so quickly was when she was on a flight and yt was going to get off before them

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  11. #6
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    Fuckin' niggers......

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