Niggers, niggers everywhere...and not a drop to think !!

It's impossible to escape niggers now. Just impossible. The golf course, tennis courts, swimming pools, all the places that were considered coon-free zones have become infected by the nigger's desire to fuck with YT. Now niggers have decided that mountain climbing needs a nigger invasion to keep poking at that wicked white man.

Personally I can't imagine any of these fucking jungle johnnies getting past base camp. As soon as they realize " where da mutha-fuckin KFC be ? " is not an option, they'll soon give up and return to muh-dikkery and other simple unchallenging tasks, more suited to their intellect.

A team of nine black climbers is attempting to scale Mount Everest to tackle the mountain's 'intentional lack of access for black people' and mountaineering's 'colonial history'.