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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    It’s time for white people to win again

    We need a game plan for white people to win again. I don’t think we should sit around and let this place continue to go to hell. I think for starters we need to elect nothing but tough on crime politicians and make bail an arm and a leg again. I think we need D.A. And prosecution that back the police. I think we need an end to endless welfare. I think we need a president that will fight bullshit made up history like the 1619 project and critical race theory. I think America is at breaking point and lots of people are about to vote Republican. Fuck niggers love America!

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    All valid points. I welcome all my friends of different races to join us white people in this vision. So long as they are of like mind. Niggers obviously not welcome.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  3. #3
    Tell it like it is
    Chimpout Guest

    Not sure we can....

    Let start by saying that I am not condoning or promoting violence. One more time for the hard of hearing.....
    But....we saw last time around that elections no longer reflect the will of the people.Can we really bring about lasting change without subduing or eliminating the enemy?
    Like it or not, liberals and niggers have a strong foothold in this country, like it or not.They can't be reasoned with, or just "voted out of existence".
    I don't know what the answer is, but this country was born out of war.I hope war will not be required to preserve it.

  4. Likes I aint bin dun did dat! liked this post
  5. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    I also welcome every human no niggers although I’ll allow niggers to hate other niggers till the cows come home. Asians should especially get on board seeing how niggers target them and how colleges fuck Asians on admissions because of “diversity”.

  6. #5
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    All valid points. I welcome all my friends of different races to join us white people in this vision. So long as they are of like mind. Niggers obviously not welcome.
    I'm glad to see another willing to get involved. This takes some work and you will become a target of the libs which is the best part of having fun because you can really fuck with them. Become a poll watcher, part of a campaign or get involved to find the ones that are bought and paid for and keep them from being elected. The league of women voter does an excellent job of vetting candidates but you can do the same thing as they do. The local elections are just as important as the big ones and we need government of the people and not the best that money can buy! Get the kids involved to realize they will inherit what the politicians do to us now! There are good people willing to serve but have a snow ball's chance in hell because they don't have the money to run a campaign. Become a member of their campaign and get others to spread the message instead of the talking heads in the media determining our system of government. As I have told my kids never under estimate what a human being will do and the same goes for the candidates regardless of their party affiliation. I look for conservatives. Libs want to spend your money and they will do so with no restraint if you let them. Ask them why they hold that position and you'll see them stutter their ass off. I have been escorted out of political meetings for asking the non-correct question that was embarrassing. Don't get thrown in jail. It is not worth it because they will use that against you. Please get involved. People died to give us that right!

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