Seriously... how dumb do you have to be to film you and your buddies killing a nigger?

Look, we all know the jogger nigger was a career criminal and was on the wrong side of the tracks, looking to steal whatever he could. His demise is certainly no loss to the world.

But Holy hell man.

I know Georgia had a (since repealed) law that let people conduct a "citizen's arrest," but really?

Those three did nothing right, beyond shooting the nigger, though that turned to shit as well.

There was video of the nigger inside a home under construction, which is trespassing. At least that would have given the actual police probable cause to roust the nigger, and maybe scare him out of the human portion of the County.

Had these dimwits not filmed this deal they might have been OK. Instead they provided the evidence needed to Put a rope around their necks. And we all know ropes are for niggers, not people.

A nigger breaks into your home or car, help them take the Room Temperature Challenge! Nigger molests you on the street, help them take the Room Temperature Challenge.

Otherwise, just call the police. Not worth the hassle.

Humans shouldn't end up in prison over niggers.