Quote Originally Posted by Ignatow View Post
Niggers are 13% of the population. But do a little statistical observation and assessment of ads: you'd think they're 80% of the population! Niggers, half breeds, light niggers, oildrillers, nigger lovers, mudsharks. Damn it, too many! They own Audis, a clean house, modern electronic equipment, expensive exercise equipment...these days negresses are shown driving S class Mercedes-Benzes! Nigger rich all right.

There's ads about coal black gorillas in a white bathtub. No amount of soap will clean that shitskin, and do these ad executives think human America wants to see that?

If aliens came, they'd think the human race is mostly nigger, so they'd laugh how backward we are.

Yesterday in the Cleveland Plain Dealer Sunday newspaper, there was an article about diversity on television indicating a study of viewers approve!

Who the fuck are they studying? I hate to burst their bubble but everybody I talk to is done with the deluge of niggers on TV.

Did they take this study/survey at NU?