Julie Stutterheim’s 15-year-old adopted daughter, who is Ethiopian, heard a vague announcement over the P.A. at LEAD Innovation Studio — another high school in the Park Hill school district — on Monday about the incident at Park Hill South. She was “really upset” when she learned what happened, Stutterheim said. She heard from a classmate that it was in reference to a petition about slavery.

The subject was a difficult one for her daughter to even raise, Stutterheim said.

“She said, ‘You know, you’re white, mom. So you don’t really know what this is like.’ And I said, ‘Yeah, you’re right,” Stutterheim said.

“And she just wanted to know that ... something was being done.”
Importing niggers so they can complain about slavery! What a great idea.
Fact: most niggers currently living in America immigrated here long after slavery was abolished and it has never touched them or any of their ancestors (at least not in this country.) But it sure doesn't stop them from bitching about it.