I work at a fairly nice hotel in an otherwise quiet small town. The other day I checked in a rather corpulent white woman and I instantly could tell she rolled the coal, despite being the only one present. You can usually tell. About 10 minutes later she walks in with two sprogs and her buck, an enormous specimen who could have been a stunt double for John Coffey. A good 6'8" and every bit of 450#. Called it.

Fast forward to this evening. I'm relaxing in the lobby waiting for my last few check ins to arrive when I hear screaming down the hallway along with the door to the stairwell slamming. I get up and go down the hallway assuming it's just kids horsing around. On my way down the mudshark starts screaming "I'm sorry, I'm sorry!" and I can hear the distinctive sound of punches landing and bodies hitting walls. The door to the stairwell has a small window and I now see the mudshark on the floor with the shirtless buck standing over her beating seven shades of shit out of her. Now I'm conflicted. This gorilla is close to a foot taller than me and has at least 200 pounds on me. Coupled with the fact that I'm healing from a back injury that left me unable to walk for almost two years. Do I put my ass on the line for this race traitor or just call the local smokies? I chose the latter. I have a wife and kids and be damned if I'm going to risk my safety over some filthy nigger lover.

The officers arrived within two minutes and broke things up. Now here is the kicker. Despite rolling up while this nigger is still chucking wobblies at his coal burner, there is a covid outbreak at the local greybar hotel, so you cannot be arrested in our county at this time. I know, getting covid because you chose to break the law sounds like a personal problem to me. But due to bureaucratic red tape, they couldn't do anything. So she and her sprogs go down to their friend's trailer a block away and he gets sent back up to his room to "sleep it off". Of course the general manager has to come in late at night and retrieve security footage for the officers and because they can't arrest the nigger and they don't want him leaving with nowhere to stay or to go track his mudshark old lady down, they convince the GM not to evict him from the hotel for the night.

Outstanding! Nigger gets a free pass, mudshark got new sunglasses and I get one more reason to continue hating those vile, subhuman creatures.