I usually do my banking at a little branch inside a local grocery store. They're fully equipped even to our original mortgage application and the refi. If I need to deposit something or use the ATM quickly, boom, I'm in and out as it should be.

Well, they got a new niggeress teller. A few weeks ago I deposited a check, and with the nigger the only teller there, it went ok, miraculously all correct. It's a nigger, so I made sure to double-check the receipt and then the account at home. But it didn't occur to me until well afterward, when I posted about that Wells Fargo nigger teller that set up a bank robbery, that even just depositing a check opens up my account info.

Then soon the nigger was no longer there, and I had meant to post here that I wasn't surprised they got rid of it already. That was unfortunately not so. Damn it all, the morning I want to make a quick deposit, the niggeress is back. Not that I would trust the nigger now anyway, but I noticed the line: six people, and when I circled back a little bit later, it wasn't moving at all. The bank's never that busy on a weekday morning! Only niggers.