Why do I see and hear white people listening to (C)rap music in traffic at stop lights.Don’t they know it’s demeaning degrading and embarrassing?I’m actually embarrassed for them! I see them in a nice 4 x 4 truck or nice car just basting this obnoxious nigger shit!
Anyway,I pull into 7-Eleven to get a drink on the way home today.. figured I’d pump little gas while I’m here.There’s a pretty white girl,well dressed,30ish pumping gas across from me listening to nigger (C) crap nonsense. I’m walking in to get my drink. She’looks at me and starts walking in too.
She tells me she likes my hat.It’s a green cap w/a matching Rebel flag patch.I say “thanks”. And we get into a little conversation. I then say “why do you listen to that obnoxious nigger music?Do you like niggers?” She replied “no, I just like the beat”.
I went on to tell her (C)rap music degrades and cheapen the presence of a pretty girl like her.She thanked me and paid for my $.79 big gulp Pepsi.Don’t really know what the moral of the story is. And I don’t know if I got through to her. Guess it is what it is.