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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Must see: Ultimate "Pay the Toll" video compilation.

    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  2. #2
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    This needs to go viral. The two filthy burners providing the opening narration are perfect examples of the kind of vapid, vacuous, imbeciles who burn the coal. They give no thought to the consequence not only to themselves, but to their race. Potential burners and drillers need a slap in the face with cold, hard reality about their pet murder-monkeys.

    Sadly, with all of the propaganda embedded in all media these days I fear very few would learn a goddamn thing. The burner sitting in the car at 3:00 is a perfect example. Wearing the consequences in both eyes and still sitting with the shitbeast.....make me fucking sick.
    Nigger: "Yo, dawg, lemee up in yo crib." Me: Stares in 12 gauge.

  3. #3
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    I know there are human wife beaters but FFS, for only being 12% of the population... 6% if you divide M/F, 60% of opposite sex beatings are committed by jigaboos.

    This should be enough for human chicks to be extremely cautious of niggers.

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Coon Club Road View Post
    I know there are human wife beaters but FFS, for only being 12% of the population... 6% if you divide M/F, 60% of opposite sex beatings are committed by jigaboos.

    This should be enough for human chicks to be extremely cautious of niggers.
    They probably think those other bitches were asking for it, must have "irked" their bucks, and it will never happen to them because their bucks just love them and they're good little mudsharks.

    All niggers are psychopaths and sociopaths, devoid of empathy, regret, remorse, and all those emotions more evolved species are capable of.

    I'm kind of disturbed that I, a person who wouldn't swat a fly, who gives stinky pet mice everything to make them happy, who cried when my pet betta died, who cannot watch scenes of torture or anyone being beaten up in movies where I know it's not even real, am now watching videos like this and feel not an ounce or a scrap of pity or sympathy for coalburners. But then I reason that I can't feel sorry for grownup whores who choose deliberately niggers over their own kind and stay with and rut with them even when they get slapped around.

    Once upon a time, even the thumbnail of that video would have me recoiling in horror and pity, but now I find it funny. Is that wrong or weird?

    I guess a person gets jaded seeing the same thing over and over and over...
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  6. #5
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    They probably think those other bitches were asking for it, must have "irked" their bucks, and it will never happen to them because their bucks just love them and they're good little mudsharks.

    All niggers are psychopaths and sociopaths, devoid of empathy, regret, remorse, and all those emotions more evolved species are capable of.

    I'm kind of disturbed that I, a person who wouldn't swat a fly, who gives stinky pet mice everything to make them happy, who cried when my pet betta died, who cannot watch scenes of torture or anyone being beaten up in movies where I know it's not even real, am now watching videos like this and feel not an ounce or a scrap of pity or sympathy for coalburners. But then I reason that I can't feel sorry for grownup whores who choose deliberately niggers over their own kind and stay with and rut with them even when they get slapped around.

    Once upon a time, even the thumbnail of that video would have me recoiling in horror and pity, but now I find it funny. Is that wrong or weird?

    I guess a person gets jaded seeing the same thing over and over and over...
    From the very beginning, I was laughing! The burners deserve death, and the niggers deserve a slow painful death. Feed them to piranhas.

    It would be nice if a parent of a burner decides to avenge their child, despite it being a nigger lover. That would make the headlines. Racist parents avenge their open minded daughter.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

  7. #6
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    Very nice! Mudsharks getting what they deserve! But still, although they did not raise their daughters right, I feel for the parents. Being the father of two daughters that does enrage me to see that. Because I love my daughters more than life. I would’ve still disowned either one if they ever associated with a stinking shit skin! Although,It would’ve still broken my heart. Probably to the point of homicide. I kid you not!
    I’ve thought about this subject years back while the girls were growing up. It would usually be in my music room while I was having a few shots of Jack Daniels black and listening to “Motorhead”. Just the thought of it would make me violently upset! So much that I once punched holes in the walls thinking about it!
    Keep in mind that I would willingly and proudly give my own life to protect my daughters,when I say “I’d rather see one of them dead than with a monkey shine”.Dead is better than having them out disgracing,dishonoring and abusing themselves and their family by riding a tootsie pole! I believe that I hate mud sharks and oil drillers more than I hate monkey shines! Either way, that’s a lot of pure unadulterated hate. Lol!

  8. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Very nice! Mudsharks getting what they deserve! But still, although they did not raise their daughters right, I feel for the parents. Being the father of two daughters that does enrage me to see that. Because I love my daughters more than life. I would’ve still disowned either one if they ever associated with a stinking shit skin! Although,It would’ve still broken my heart. Probably to the point of homicide. I kid you not!
    I’ve thought about this subject years back while the girls were growing up. It would usually be in my music room while I was having a few shots of Jack Daniels black and listening to “Motorhead”. Just the thought of it would make me violently upset! So much that I once punched holes in the walls thinking about it!
    Keep in mind that I would willingly and proudly give my own life to protect my daughters,when I say “I’d rather see one of them dead than with a monkey shine”.Dead is better than having them out disgracing,dishonoring and abusing themselves and their family by riding a tootsie pole! I believe that I hate mud sharks and oil drillers more than I hate monkey shines! Either way, that’s a lot of pure unadulterated hate. Lol!
    Human Females who abandon their species and mate with monkeys are the worst kind of traitor: a bestial race-traitor.

    From these utopian communists at
    ...whiteness must be abolished, and that it will take millions of white race-traitors to accomplish this...
    The Enemy Within
    “A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.” –Marcus Tullius Cicero, 106 BC – 43 BC
    Ideas to ponder
    Niggers: "The next to lowest form of life on the planet."

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  10. #8
    Ray Cizzums's Avatar
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    All these monkeyshines, plain to see on thousands of videos, adding up for years. The day will come, when
    everyone has had enough, and a spontaneous eruption of violence against the wild negro, and their enablers,
    will take place. Lets hope it happens soon, and gets permanent results. While they deserve to be exterminated,
    the worldwide blowback would be too much. Deportation, back to Africa, is the answer to the cancer.
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	die-hard-3-678x381.jpg 
Views:	27 
Size:	47.0 KB 
ID:	17321

  11. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Very nice! Mudsharks getting what they deserve! But still, although they did not raise their daughters right, I feel for the parents. Being the father of two daughters that does enrage me to see that. Because I love my daughters more than life. I would’ve still disowned either one if they ever associated with a stinking shit skin! Although,It would’ve still broken my heart. Probably to the point of homicide. I kid you not!
    If I feel for anyone, I do feel for the parents. No matter how well they raised their daughters they can't fight the intense pressure of the media and their peers to hook up with nigger bucks. They can't win. IMO, there are NO human parents, no matter what they say or how liberal they are, who want to see their daughter mated with a hulking, ebonic-babbling, 75 IQ violent, ugly, sub-simian nigger buck.

    No parents on the planet of any race or creed, would welcome this knuckling through the door with their daughters, and these niggers are invariably the type the mudsharks choose:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mugms+CMYK.jpg 
Views:	27 
Size:	80.5 KB 
ID:	17322

    I feel sorry for the life-long pain they feel when their daughters - at best - end up as soiled, single mothers to a few mutant sprogs who no decent man would ever want, and at worst as battered and mutilated corpses flung in a ditch or set on fire or chopped up and beheaded.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

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  13. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    If I feel for anyone, I do feel for the parents. No matter how well they raised their daughters they can't fight the intense pressure of the media and their peers to hook up with nigger bucks. They can't win. IMO, there are NO human parents, no matter what they say or how liberal they are, who want to see their daughter mated with a hulking, ebonic-babbling, 75 IQ violent, ugly, sub-simian nigger buck.

    No parents on the planet of any race or creed, would welcome this knuckling through the door with their daughters, and these niggers are invariably the type the mudsharks choose:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	mugms+CMYK.jpg 
Views:	27 
Size:	80.5 KB 
ID:	17322

    I feel sorry for the life-long pain they feel when their daughters - at best - end up as soiled, single mothers to a few mutant sprogs who no decent man would ever want, and at worst as battered and mutilated corpses flung in a ditch or set on fire or chopped up and beheaded.
    I’ll still stick with what I said in my post “dead is better!” The best end scenario is the mudshark being dead and if shitlets are involved,it’s best if the nigger deletes them too! A mudshark can’t cause her parents and family any more pain and grief when it’s dead and gone!

  14. Likes IseDaDiva, Sandy liked this post

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