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  1. #1
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    Russian TV host Olga Skabeeva skewers America's anti-white, nigger loving hypocrisy surrounding Ashli Babbitt

    There is much gnashing of teeth about this amongst the shitlib pseudo-journalist hacks that comprise the wordy turds known collectively as The Daily Beast and Raw Story.
    Russian State TV Host Launches Deranged, Racist Attack on Capitol Cop

    “In case you didn’t know, the policeman got away with it because he is Black—and Blacks are permitted to kill white people,” the “60 Minutes” host declared.

    Thursday’s broadcast of the Russian state TV show 60 Minutes went all in on that demented line of attack with a segment entitled “Black Racism.” During the episode, host Olga Skabeeva claimed: “Sensation in the case of the Capitol riot! Today, during primetime, the most liberal American television channel will air the interview with the black policeman who shot an unarmed white woman, a follower of [former U.S. President] Donald Trump, Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt. Ashli tried to walk from one room to the next, through the door broken by somebody else, but instead was struck by the bullet.”

    Skabeeva continued her diatribe: “The American justice system somehow managed to clear the officer of all charges... In case you didn’t know, the policeman got away with it because he is Black—and Blacks are permitted to kill white people. I will remind you that when the dark-skinned criminal George Floyd was accidentally choked during his apprehension, a white policeman was sentenced to prison for more than 22 1/2 years.”

    The comparisons between George Floyd and Ashli Babbitt have been featured on Russian state TV since January, with detailed compilations of bullet points that smeared Floyd and extolled Babbitt. State TV show The Evening With Vladimir Soloviev compared the list of George Floyd’s alleged crimes against Ashli Babbitt’s achievements. The host, Vladimir Soloviev, described Babbitt as “the icon of neocons” and claimed: “Only white America cares about her death, but not the democratic press.”
    During a July broadcast of 60 Minutes, Skabeeva repeatedly emphasized that Babbitt was a white woman and claimed that she was suddenly shot at point-blank range for no good reason. Partial footage depicting the events on Jan. 6 was repeatedly played on the screen, but Skabeeva didn’t seem to notice the discrepancy between the images of the violence that ensued in the Capitol and her description of what happened. On Aug. 4, Skabeeva described Babbitt’s death as an instance of “a negro who offed a white protester.” She proceeded to repeat her mantra that the policeman who killed Ashli Babbitt got away with it by virtue of being Black, and ludicrously claimed that in America, “Negroes are starting to lynch the whites.”

    BASED, Beautiful and Bold- Olga Skabeeva. Showing Western hacks what real journalism looks like!

    Capitol cop who shot Ashli Babbitt smeared by Russian news anchor in 'demented' racist tirade

    Prior to NBC's interview with Capitol Police Lieutenant Michael Byrd, who has come forward to explain why he shot Capitol insurrectionist Ashli Babbitt as she attempted to climb through a window to get to U.S. lawmakers, the anchor of Russia's version of "60 Minutes" launched a racist attack on him.

    According to Russian media expert Julia Davis at the Daily Beast, anchor Olga Skabeeva went on what Davis termed a "demented line of attack with a segment entitled 'Black Racism.'"

    Davis reports that Skabeeva -- who previously went on an N-word-filled rant about Capitol police officer Harry Dunn -- once again made the story about the Capitol insurrection about race since both police officers are Black.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    Russians hate niggers as much as WE do. Thank you Olga! Come join our site!

  3. #3
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    Thank you for this, Whitey. Olga is spot-on in her assessments, of course. By the nigger's own videotaped admission it could not see Ashli's hands and she was on the other side of a broken door trying to get thru. Now, I don't know about D.C. but just about anywhere else that is murder plain and simple. Ashli Babbitt was of no immediate threat to the life or limb of that murder-monkey or anyone else. I try not to think about it because when I do I have to go out to the back yard for a smoke (trying to quit) and cuss session.

    Fuckin' shitbeast got away with murder when anyone with a brain knows that had this been a white cop and a nigger the libturds on the MSM would have wailed for a goddamn month or more and screamed and cried, and cajoled until the cop was drawn and quartered.

    Fuck this pisses me off! I need a drink.
    Nigger: "Yo, dawg, lemee up in yo crib." Me: Stares in 12 gauge.

  4. #4
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    and Blacks are permitted to kill white people,” the “60 Minutes” host declared.
    How dare she speak the truth?
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  5. #5
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    Ogle should be the new Wonder Woman. Not that horrific she-groid. I mean, even she-hulk has more sex appeal than that beast...and I mean "beast" in the Biblical sense.

  6. #6
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    "the anchor of Russia's version of "60 Minutes" launched a racist attack on him."

    Incompetent nigger cop murders white woman. Not racist!. White reporter tells the truth. Racist. Russian media are truth-tellers now and American MSM is full of propagandist bullshit.

  7. #7
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    I’ve got three things to say about Olga.
    Beautiful, smart and honest!

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