Just joined this site because I realized I can't battle against BLM on my own.
BLM basically took over my relationship with my beautiful, white, French Canadian girlfriend.
She blindly supports BLM as well as terrorist organizations.
When I spoke against terrorism she would get angry at me and tell me "It's none of my concern/business".
When will it be my business? When my family/friends/people I know are murdered by Islamic radicals? Will it be my business then?
You know with that same principle of "it being not my business"...Why did America step against Nazi Germany? It certainly wasn't America's business right?! HAHAHA!
I swear this leftist media has brainwashed our youth, even the oldies are getting the brainwashing!
Anyone who's had a similar experience with fellow white people defending terrorists and BLM please feel free to share your story!
Our young, gorgeous white girls are being fooled and stolen from us!