Wednesday morning I woke up late, made some coffee, and stumbled my way into my home office at the other end of the house. When I walked in I was shocked when I looked out the window. My picnic table was stacked up with what looked like mountain climbing equipment - ropes, belts, harnesses and so forth. WTF? Nobody should be on my property! Then I see some people standing around wearing utility worker vests, and I understood. It was the electric company, trimming tree branches away from their wires. I recalled being notified about this maybe a month ago. Remember, I'm still waking up.

Curious, I head into a bedroom with a view in another direction, and I almost dropped my hot coffee on my bare feet. Here are more utility workers, and one of them is a goddam filthy nigger. Forget about starting my workday, now I have to keep an eye on this fat-lipped baboon.

As the morning progressed, a pattern developed. The White workers busted their ass dragging heavy tree limbs to the chipper, but the nigger was seen only occasionally carrying a pile of twigs and small branches. The rest of the time it spent checking its cellphone. I'm sure the rest of the crew was ecstatic that this piece of shit was there to "help" them out.