Quote Originally Posted by h8whitelibtards View Post
I am glad these freaks can't procreate. The statistics used to say that 0.03% of the population is trans but it seems that more and more people are doing this to themselves.
Actually, I heard that they've been working on transplanting reproductive organs from women into men.

If this ever gets legalized, they should make a law whereby only nigger reproductive organs can be transplanted into men, so as to assist in replacement migration (making the whole thing politically correct) and to make them even more suicidal when two white men produce a nigger baby.

If you're going to be unnatural, why not crank things up to 11?

"Oh sweetie, I'm crowning... hold a piece of chicken next to my vagina to see if it will climb out of there on its own."
"Ma'am, what would you like us to do with the tail?"