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  1. #1
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    Shit-For-Brains Nigress 'Soldier' Posts Video 'How to get out of the Army'

    You may want to take your blood pressure meds first. (ad ends @1:35)

    I follow this guy for the laughs and once in a while he finds a real winner like this disgusting ho.

    This is a brand new video and to my knowledge the one she posted is also very new. I CAN'T WAIT till her Command SgtMaj gets a look. He (or she) will be eating charcoal briquettes and shitting diamonds. Burnt Chicken Dinner in 3...2...1...

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  3. #2
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    So I just saw this in the comments and looked it up for myself:

    18 U.S. Code § 2387 - Activities affecting armed forces generally


    (a)Whoever, with intent to interfere with, impair, or influence the loyalty, morale, or discipline of the military or naval forces of the United States:
    (1)advises, counsels, urges, or in any manner causes or attempts to cause insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States; or
    (2)distributes or attempts to distribute any written or printed matter which advises, counsels, or urges insubordination, disloyalty, mutiny, or refusal of duty by any member of the military or naval forces of the United States—
    That's 10 years just for the USC and doesn't begin to address what is likely a fuck-ton of UCMJ charges.

  4. #3
    Ray Cizzums's Avatar
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    Thank god there were no sheboons, other than a few clerks and nursing assistants, when I was in. The sarge
    sure knows a smash-nose shitbird when he sees one. How is it on active duty, sporting that nest-o-snakes and
    those 2" krazy nails ? While he's right about the consequences of what this twunt is advising, they won't bother
    trying to salvage this ratchet. They don't recycle this big of a piece of shit. It's bad for morale.
    We had guys try to get out of the FMJ shit-show I ended up in, always with bad results. Some just split, and they
    landed in a stockade somewhere. The threat of getting recycled, with the same wicked cadre, loomed large. The
    rules against beating trainees were new in '76, and weren't taken seriously. Insubordination would get you arrested,
    and MPs would beat your handcuffed ass in the brig. Some dopey nigger on guard duty broke his arm with the arms
    room door, a witness testified to seeing him do it, and he was facing years in Leavenworth. Guys who just refused
    to train got DHDs, with chronic fuckups and 'tards getting general discharges. I got a break when a Colonel
    happened to see the results of an all day beasting dished out to another trainee and I, where we were both a bloody
    mess. I was able to heal up and graduate, which really pissed off the D.I. who had it in for me.


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  6. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by SC Anemia View Post
    18 U.S. Code § 2387 - Activities affecting armed forces generally
    That's 10 years just for the USC and doesn't begin to address what is likely a fuck-ton of UCMJ charges.

    Yeah, I thought about that when I saw the video. Unfuckingbelievable. This bitch belongs in the brig until her Dishonorable (vaginal) Discharge or her Big Chicken Dinner is finished cooking at a bare minimum.

    I think that recruiters should ask one question out of any possible recruit that walks through the door before anything else is discussed. They should be sworn in to answer as well and have their answer video taped and transcribed:

    "Why do you want to join the Armed Forces of the United States of America?"

    If the answer is anything other than "I love my country and I feel honor bound to serve it with no reservations or expectations other than what has been promised to me as a condition of my enlistment."

    If the potential recruit answers with anything else, shoe them out the door and put them on a permanent no serve list.

    Ever wonder what the actual conditions of enlistment are as far as your rights? It actually means two meals and 4 hours of sleep per day last time I checked. That is the actual bare minimum and it's also what you get when on bread and water restriction. BTW, for those not aware of what that means, it's a disgusting mix that taste like shit with the consistency of dense packing foam but it will keep you alive and adequately healthy. Now you know why. They can't legally starve you or beat you. Everything else you get is not a defined right, but a privilege. You have no right to any pay or other benefits.

    I've said it before and I'll say it again to anyone who is thinking of joining. People will tell you that they joined for a lot of various self serving reasons: Steady paycheck, training, GI bill, see the world, (or field day it if you're a Marine ) and any number of other personally self serving reasons. These are perks and that's fine that they are there. After all, we were never supposed to be slaves and the military must also compete with the civilian job market. We do have families to feed as well as keep free and it is a full time job when you're doing it. Of course, none of them are carved in stone and that carpet can be pulled out from under you as need arises.

    With that said, there is only one REAL reason to join the military and it must be there when all the others fall away during times of all out, save the country, balls to the walls war.

    That sole reason is the same as it has been since 1776: You love your countrymen and your freedoms and you are willing to fight or die to protect them both. I love and respect my fellow countrymen (the true ones at least) and the ones gone before me and their sacrifices.

    This selfish piece of shit has no love for anyone or anything but herself and even that's not real because she has no self respect and never will.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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  8. #5
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    What this nigger really needs is 13 weeks at Paris Island with a few of those demons they call Drill Instructors at the 4th Battalion (female recruit training).

    I saw one twist-off on one of her recruits once. A short, compact Philippino hate-missle. That psycho bitch was harder than woodpecker lips and I thanked God they didn't let them train male recruits.

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  10. #6
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    I always thought it was pretty easy for people to "quit" the Army if they wanted to.

    I mean, if you decide to go on leave, and then never return, you are declared AWOL (and you get stuck on some national registry of some sort, I think) and nobody bothers chasing you down, because you aren't worth the effort. I knew one guy that changed his mind and came back on his own, though. He ended up getting an article 15 and was punished, but after he paid his dues we mostly just acted like nothing happened.

    Even in boot camp you have to make a serious effort to "flunk out"... as long as you make some kind of effort to show that you want to be there, the drill sergeants will work with you. I broke a couple bones when I went through boot camp, and the only "penalty" I received involved medical care and transfer to another company.

    Basically, you can leave the Army whenever you want, for any reason, if you don't care about your permanent record getting stained.

    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    there is only one REAL reason to join the military and it must be there when all the others fall away during times of all out, save the country, balls to the walls war.

    That sole reason is the same as it has been since 1776: You love your countrymen and your freedoms and you are willing to fight or die to protect them both. I love and respect my fellow countrymen (the true ones at least) and the ones gone before me and their sacrifices.
    It weirds me out when I hear civilians talking about how nationalism is somehow this thing that only racist white people believe in.

    Do people not know the difference between "nationalism" and "national socialism"?

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  12. #7
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    Unfortunately, this doesn't translate into less niggers........ I wonder if there is a follow up video on what happened to this ape when her command saw the video. Would LOVE to see that!

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