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  1. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weewuzzkangs View Post
    Only visual Germans to get public transpotation ticket checks:
    Wunderbar! So enforcement efforts will be directed at those who hardly ever commit crimes. This is where Sandy Sr. would say, "Yeah, that's real smart."
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  3. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weewuzzkangs View Post
    Too late, to edit. This didn't show up on a black background
    No problem, you should have an Edit Post button. Then you can remove the [color] tags so that it'll be readable on any color background.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  5. #23
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    It only works within a limitted time frame. I'm guessing, 24 hours
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  6. #24
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    Double-standard deportations begin, under political pressure, due to the surge in populist party election successes. Those most vicious Rapefugees (Afghans, Northafrichimps) aren't getting deported, because of "personal safety" excuses. Meanwhile, those who are truly in mortal danger are getting sent to their ill fates:

    ...The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) daily reported that Turkey had offered to soon take back up to 500 citizens per week on "special flights"...
    ...In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said...
    ...The Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (FAZ) daily reported that Turkey had offered to soon take back up to 500 citizens per week on "special flights"...
    ...In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said...

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  8. #25
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    Liberals are trying to erase the alpha male. All they want remaining are cuckboys that are easy to control. Liberals try to control an alpha male like myself or some of the men on this site, they’ll get a one-way ticket to the resurrection!

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  10. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Weewuzzkangs View Post
    Double-standard deportations begin, under political pressure, due to the surge in populist party election successes. Those most vicious Rapefugees (Afghans, Northafrichimps) aren't getting deported, because of "personal safety" excuses. Meanwhile, those who are truly in mortal danger are getting sent to their ill fates:

    ...In return, Germany would ease visa rules for Turkish citizens wanting to visit the EU country for holidays or business trips, it said...
    Isn't that great? Germany will wind up permanently importing 10,000 a week before they know it, like illegals who come to the U.S. on visitor/student visas and just stay. Then meanwhile, the 500 who go back to Turkey will basically be put on the first revolving door flight back to Germany.

    Lieb Vaterland, how far you've fallen. My ancestors left because the heavy anti-Semitism (already really awful, decades before Hitler) left them with nothing to hope for. Real Germans today have it even worse.
    We know the world is messed up when Trump is convicted, Democrats steal the election so a Kenya-born Muslim returns as President, Snowden fled to HK and Russia to escape the U.S. govt, George Zimmerman was put on trial, Colin Kapernick was GQ's Citizen of the Year, and BLM is nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.

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  12. #27
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    And are forced into funding it with their taxes:

    ...received funding from Germany’s Foreign Ministry, according to EPD. SOS Humanity is reported to have received more than 500,000 euros, Sea Eye almost 394,000 and Resqship a little over 100,000 euros. In addition, the German branch of the French-based organization SOS Mediterranée also received 492,000 euros from Germany.Finally, the Italian Catholic organization Sant’Egidio also received almost 500,000 euros from Germany...
    ...received funding from Germany’s Foreign Ministry, according to EPD. SOS Humanity is reported to have received more than 500,000 euros, Sea Eye almost 394,000 and Resqship a little over 100,000 euros. In addition, the German branch of the French-based organization SOS Mediterranée also received 492,000 euros from Germany.
    Finally, the Italian Catholic organization Sant’Egidio also received almost 500,000 euros from Germany...

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  13. #28
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    Well shiver me timbers, look at that! All young men, every last one. Man the guns me hearties, and prepare to fire!

  14. #29
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    Scores to get dumbed down. "Difficulty in finding recruits" excuse given (Why not simply pay qualified employees properly?). But wait. Wouldn't dumbing down entry scores serve to further enrich police departments?

    The state police are struggling with falling numbers of applicants for their training positions. This year, 1,816 young women and men applied for the 175 vacancies for the two-year training to become a police master (career group 1, formerly middle service) and 125 vacancies for the three-year bachelor's degree to become a police commissioner (career group 2, formerly higher service). This means that the number of applicants almost reached the previous year's level of 1,817 applicants, as the Ministry of the Interior in Schwerin announced in response to a request from the Citizens for Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania (BMV) faction in the state parliament.
    However, the numbers have been falling for years: in 2009, according to ministry spokesman Michael Teich, there were still more than 3,000 applicants for the 120 police post vacancies advertised at the time. The ministry responded to the decline and removed several hurdles. Since 2016, applicants no longer have to be at least 1.65 meters tall and the minimum grade average on the application certificate, the numerus clausus, has also been abolished.

    Until then, only those with a grade point average of 3.0 or better were admitted to the selection process for career group 1. In German there had to be at least a 3 on the certificate. For career group 2, the grade point average had to be 3.2 or better. That's history now. However, the Interior Ministry emphasizes that the police are maintaining their high standards. “The level of demands placed on applicants in the selection process has remained the same,” said Teich. Now more applicants are simply being given the chance to prove themselves in the selection process. “The police profession is legally, professionally, physically and psychologically demanding,” said Teich. This must be taken into account.

    At the same time, the police are increasing their recruitment of young professionals. This year, advertisements will be placed on billboards in public spaces for the first time, said Teich. In addition, there is long-term advertising: the video clip of the sports test at the police in MV on YouTube currently has more than 500,000 views.

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  15. #30
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    The Woak is calling accomplices to infiltrate the manipulable voting process. Patriots could also do likewise:

    Demokratie schützen und Wahlhelfer werden | Campact

    Apply to be an election worker!

    Early federal elections in February: This means significantly less time to organize the election process smoothly. The AfD is already hoping for breakdowns - in order to exploit them and destroy trust in our democracy. As election workers, we can all help ensure that this election runs smoothly.

    Election workers are indispensable for our democracy: They ensure secret and free elections. Due to the early date, it may be difficult to find enough volunteers this time. In order to ensure that everything runs smoothly, we now need enough election workers.

    Become a poll worker – here’s how it works

    Volunteers are being sought everywhere for the upcoming federal elections. However, there is no central registration platform. Each constituency has a district electoral officer who is responsible for ensuring that everything runs smoothly - anyone who wants to help must contact them.

    Here we have summarized for you what you need to do. Click on your state and you will see the appropriate email address. Simply send a message to your district election office and register as a poll worker.

    Here's where you can register as a poll worker

    By clicking on your federal state you can find direct contact with the election office in your constituency. In some cases we also link to forms where you can register online as a poll worker.

    5 minute info

    Why is it important that I register as a poll worker?

    Free, secret and fair elections are a cornerstone of our democracy. But the AfD (Alternative for Germany) repeatedly tries to cast doubts about the proper conduct of the election

    This is a threat to the credibility of the elections. That's why we need as many independent volunteers as possible to help with the elections and ensure that the election runs smoothly

    Here's what happens, when they infiltrate:

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  17. #31
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    Iwasjustfollowingordersbots carry out a search warrant at a 64 year old's home, for further on-line conveyance of a meme depicting a still-serving minister of economics:

    The online sale of this following garment was additionally taken down, more than likely because of the same lawbooks statute allowing isuing of that aforementioned search warrant.

    This meme is a parody, using this following shampoo logo, found here:

    ...used on these products:

    The Greens are heavily affected by threats online. They defend themselves, sometimes apparently because of rather harmless comments, as in the case of a 64-year-old who called Robert Habeck an “imbecile.” The man is being made into a martyr for freedom of expression by interested parties, Habeck and the public prosecutor's office are in need of explanation.

    The Greens are heavily affected by threats online. They defend themselves, sometimes apparently because of rather harmless comments, as in the case of a 64-year-old who called Robert Habeck an “imbecile.” The man is being made into a martyr for freedom of expression by interested parties, Habeck and the public prosecutor's office are in need of explanation.
    A 64-year-old early retiree from Bavaria received a visit from the police at dawn - and the Green Party's designated candidate for chancellor, Vice Chancellor Robert Habeck, is lampooned on the internet because of it. What happened?
    Stephan Niehoff from the Haßberge district doesn't like the Green Party. Anyone who follows their profile on social network X can see this. Attacks against Vice Chancellor and Economics Minister Robert Habeck, against Bundestag Vice President Katrin Göring-Eckardt and against the party in general make up the majority of his activities there. What there are not, however, are calls for violence and wild insults.

    Hostile to the Greens and ideologically close to the AfD – the 64-year-old is clearly showing his colors

    The rest are much friendlier videos and news about the AfD and its top staff from Alice Weidel to Björn Höcke. The profile picture of his account, which he dialectically calls IchBinsFeiNet, shows a man throwing a sunflower into a wastebasket. Above it is the saying: “Green? No thanks!” The picture is framed by a color scale from black to red to gold. In the AfD environment these are the colors of the “Pride Month”.
    His political views can be seen at first glance.

    This man is now seen by the political right movement as a martyr for freedom of expression

    Most of the content associated with his account, which is rather small with 1,000 followers, does not come from him; the 64-year-old early retiree and former Bundeswehr soldier just passes it on. Recently, Niehoff has been seen as a martyr for freedom of expression, especially by the right-wing media. But his case also raises questions: Are those affected and the legal authorities overdoing it in the fight against hate online? Has the action against hate postings acquired a dangerous momentum of its own?
    At 6:15 a.m. Tuesday, police officers showed up at Niehoff's door with a search warrant to seize computers, cell phones and storage devices. According to the Bamberg public prosecutor's office, they confiscated a tablet.

    Habeck had the report on this 64-year-old filed personally - routine for him

    And they said that Habeck personally reported the man. The reason: Niehoff reposted a picture in June in which Habeck could be seen above a modified shampoo advertisement: “Imbecile Professional” is written there.
    People around Habeck say that the police asked whether he wanted to file a complaint about this matter. Habeck said yes. The public prosecutor confirmed in a press release: “Through Dr. Habeck has been charged with criminal charges.” Prominent Greens are so often confronted with hatred and agitation that criminal charges have become a daily routine: He had more than 700 reports filed between April 2023 and summer 2024, including because of specific threats, the dpa news agency reported in August . Habeck works with specialized law firms and the Hate Aid organization.

    The prosecutor's office leaves questions unanswered

    In this routine, even the milder insult “idiot” seems to be considered worthy of reporting. The fact that police officers arrived to search the house at 6:15 a.m. is also considered “completely excessive” by those around the designated candidate for chancellor. It is not clear from the public prosecutor's press release whether the police actually came because of the "imbecile" insult.
    “PM 45-2024” is entitled “Apartment search due to... Insult to Dr. Habeck.” The search warrant is said to be entitled “Sedition.” Because of the Habeck posting, however, an investigation is being carried out for insults in general and in particular for the offense of “insult directed against people in political life”.
    What also doesn't fit with the "imbecile" case: According to the public prosecutor's office, the search took place "in connection with a nationwide day of action against anti-Semitic hate crime on the Internet."

    The accusation of incitement refers to another post by the 64-year-old. When it became known in the spring that Müllermilch owner Theo Müller had met with AfD leader Alice Weidel, there were isolated calls to boycott the dairy mogul's products. To criticize this, the man posted a picture of an SA man holding a sign with the phrase “Germans don’t buy from Jews.” It probably dates from April 1933, when the Nazis boycotted and attacked Jewish businesses. About it he wrote the sentences, probably meant sarcastically, “True Democrats! We’ve had it all before!”
    This may be seen as a trivialization of the Nazi crimes. However, it is not clear from the statement how the public prosecutor's office came to suspect incitement and anti-Semitism. The Bamberg public prosecutor's office did not respond to RND inquiries on Friday.

    A made-to-appear Germanic model is exploited for modelling what should end up as Trump's class action suit, collecting damages by imaginary too big to fail Ebay. Note that the entire page is filled with mainly these:
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  18. #32
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    Here's the shirt of which he pulled from his shop. Yesterday, he announced continued sale of this shirt. Unfortunately, it's only available with the head silhouette deleted:
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  19. #33
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    Coincidentally shortly after an Arab had mowed down over 200 shoppers, five of them now dead, including one child, claiming sympathy to the consequentially lesser of two remaining anti-invasion parties (The N.P.D. is closer to the real deal), the regime has now begun firearms confiscation of members of that political rival (A.f.D), cowardly hitting below the belt, as a response to increasing number of potential voters ready to enter the polls in February:

    ...raising suspicions of semi-false flag allowing of a "usefull idiot" to commit this act, given the timing of this gun grab and the circumstances of which made it possible to carry this out.
    First of all, this terrorist's social media posts were well known to authorities. Had this terrorist not mentioned it's sympathy for the A.f.D., what would have been the chances of this act having been stopped in its tracks?
    Secondly, in this age of easilly-accesable information data, how was this entity able to rent the weapon of mass destruction abused for plowing down this 200 collateral damage? And why was this emergencey entry not subjected to supervision?

    ...Hunters and sport shooters will also have their gun licenses canceled by authorities. In total, there are 74 members of the AfD in Saxony-Anhalt that hold a firearms license, with 49 registered as sport shooters and 25 as hunters...

    ...The efforts to disarm AfD members won praise from the Left Party’s parliamentary group leader Eva von Angern...

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  20. #34
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    I stopped believing in coincidences or "looking for answers" quite a while ago. Everything happening is by design.

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