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  1. #1
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    What does a nigger do when you need help?

    Ignores you then walks away.
    This happened to me Friday evening at work. I was working late. Some nigger was suppose to be working with me, in typical nigger fashion it Dindu Nuffins. Just sat on its ass looking at its cell phone, never told me its name, never spoke a word. I am doing a quick audit on some parts in a section of the warehouse. A little over a hour to go and I can leave. I have no clue what happened, what this was or what set it off but all of a sudden I had the most extreme pain I have ever had in my life in my left leg, calf area. This has never happened to me before. I imagine it was what is called a Charlie horse, I have never had one but that is the only thing I can think of it being. Regardless on a scale of 1 out of 10 my pain was 11. It hit me sudden, I could not stand up and collapsed back on a skid of parts. I was screaming in pain, I mean screaming as loud as I could. I was cussing every phrase you can think of. I try to stand up but I just cant.I could see this nigger where he was at. He had to have been able to see me and hear me yet he just kept sitting there on his ass messing with his phone. After around 5 minutes the pain felt like it was going away. I stand up and attempt to walk and it hits me again. My leg feels totally cramped from my foot up to my knee and the pain was even worse. Once again I start screaming. The nigger? It gets up and leaves. I have a walkie talkie, I am debating do I call for someone to help me? Call for security to come and pick me up with the golf cart? I stand up and force myself to walk. Slowly walking it off. Eventually the pain subsided and I was able to finish the shift although my leg still felt stiff for the next day or so.
    It probably was nothing, probably just a cramp or Charlie horse. But as I said I have never experienced one before and the amount of pain combined with the way I was screaming and carrying on, this nigger did not even show me any concern or empathy. It just left, almost as if it was in disgust that it had to be around a white person. Well you know what? The feeling is mutual. I have hit the point where if I saw a damn niglet playing in the middle of a busy street I would look the other way.

  2. #2
    Chimpout Member
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    Ku Klux Klam's Avatar
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    I don't have much to say about the nigger other than that's to be expected but I would suggest eating an apple or a banana a day to keep the charley horses away. That is usually a sign of a potassium deficiency. You can also take a potassium gluconate pill a day. You can get those in the vitamin section of stores. I take those quite a bit particularly when I go camping in the desert. I sweat out a lot of potassium out there plus I tend to go through a lot of beer and piss it out too. I've gotten charley horses in both calves at the same time before while trying to sleep in my tent and that really sucks. I'll pop a couple a day as well as eat some fruit every day while camping just to avoid that bullshit and it works.

  3. #3
    justin igger
    Chimpout Guest
    Nigger probably would have tried to rob you in your moment of debilitation. I have suffered the same thing. It is the worst pain I've ever felt. I second the banana. I found supplements don't do shit. Most of those supplement pills are fake anyway when tested in the lab they are found to have none of the ingredients listed on the label.

  4. #4
    Buck Simian's Avatar
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    I really didnt want him to help me anyways. It just confirms what niggers are like. The nigger probably was wanting me to hobble up to the medical department so it could dig through my lunch box for left overs.

  5. #5
    Chimpout Member
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    Fuck that nigger! What a piece of shit.

    Quote Originally Posted by Ku Klux Klam View Post
    I don't have much to say about the nigger other than that's to be expected but I would suggest eating an apple or a banana a day to keep the charley horses away. That is usually a sign of a potassium deficiency. You can also take a potassium gluconate pill a day. You can get those in the vitamin section of stores. I take those quite a bit particularly when I go camping in the desert. I sweat out a lot of potassium out there plus I tend to go through a lot of beer and piss it out too. I've gotten charley horses in both calves at the same time before while trying to sleep in my tent and that really sucks. I'll pop a couple a day as well as eat some fruit every day while camping just to avoid that bullshit and it works.

    Eat some fruit and/or nuts during the breaks in the middle of your shifts. Keeps your blood sugar even and helps maintain mental acuity.

  6. #6
    SC Anemia
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    Yup, potassium. Still happens to me once in awhile. Oh yeah, definitely an 11 on the pain scale. Remember those rubber band powered balsa airplanes we used to play with? You'd wind the propeller till little knot looking things started. That's pretty much what happens.

    The nigger would have got you some milk then stole your wallet while you were distracted. Best the fucker shuffled away.

  7. #7
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    You are lucky the nigger didnt Muh Dik ya as you where bent over in pain.

  8. #8
    Gul Dukat
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    Sounds like a siatica, every muscle in my leg tightened, it hurt so bad.

  9. #9
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    Something that helps relieve a charlie horse while it's happening is to hold something cold against the affected area. The colder the better, but even something like a pot or pan will help.

  10. #10
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    I've had Charlie horses in bed and yes, the pain is excruciating. It's just a muscle spasm and you can actually feel the muscle in your calf pulled hard as a rock. You need to stretch the muscle out of the contraction.

    This is what I do and what is recommended:

    If your charley horse is located in your leg you can try to relieve the pain by doing the following stretches:
    •standing up
    •stepping the leg that isn’t experiencing muscle cramping forward into a lunge
    •straightening the back leg that is experiencing the cramp, and lunge forward on the front leg

    You can also stand on the tips of your toes for a few seconds at a time to stretch your calf muscles.

    I agree you wouldn't want the nigger "helping" you.

  11. #11
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    I swear your company must be the most nigger loving company that supply shit to shitmoblies LOL. You got off lucky these niggers will rape anyone or anything when disabled!

  12. #12
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    Next time, try yelling, "Hey nigger, get your ass over here and help"
    Its not about revenge...its about punishment.

  13. #13
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    I am shocked that the nigger was not laughing. 3 things a nigger really finds funny.
    A neighbor being served papers,a person or animal in agony. That,s it.
    3 things a nigger fears. A process server, a dog, ghosts. All on the level.

  14. #14
    Chimpout Member
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    Your lucky the nigger was off sleeping in the shitter. If it knew you were in a vulnerable state where you couldn't properly defend yourself it may have tried to rape and rob you.
    "Nobody is more inferior than those who insist on being equal."

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