I think just two words and you can guess the rest of the story: self checkout. You guessed it. You can go home and sleep now. Done.

I was at a local big box store which will remain unnamed. It does not matter anyway because it applies to any self-checkout line where niggers are present.

About every few weeks to a month, I go to this store. A while ago, I noticed that the self-checkout had extra clerks. Usually, there is just one, but it increased to two and when it is busy, it goes up to three. Then, this week, I noticed that the hand scanners were gone. I spoke to one of the guys there and I laughed it off. I said the hand scanners got "Coved" ( COVID ). He said, no, people are forgetting to scan stuff.

I see. "People" are uhhh..."forgetting" to scan stuff.

Some places simply did away with self-checkouts.