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    Shaquavia batwings boyfriend for talking to his ex

    Woman fatally shoots boyfriend after seeing him videoconference with ex-girlfriend, charges say

    A St. Louis County woman was charged last week with murder in the shooting death of her boyfriend.

    St. Louis County police said they were called to the shooting in the 11000 block of Iguana Terrace just after 4:30 p.m. Tuesday. Charging documents say Shaquavia Willis, 29, was driving her boyfriend, Christian Stewart, 33, home when he began videoconferencing with his ex-girlfriend and her child. Willis decided to end the relationship, charges say, and Stewart then followed Willis to her home, where they parked their vehicles in the parking lot of the apartment complex on Iguana Terrance.

    Witnesses, police said, reported hearing gunshots and then saw Stewart running from his car. They then reported seeing Willis exit her car, run towards Stewart and fire her gun while he was running away. Willis, police said, turned herself in and admitted she obtained the gun two weeks prior to the shooting. She allegedly told police she stopped shooting only because there were no more bullets in the clip.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    I love it when niggers kill each other, keep up the stellar work niggers.

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