Hey fellow nigger haters!

Not sure where to post this so I figured The Yard be best.

Over the last 5 years I have noticed more and more niggers moving into homes in my subdivision. At first it was one, then there is a second, I made a comment to the wife (she's not a nigger hater like myself) about it and she made the excuse that they are probably military since a Joint Reserve is near by and that they will probably be gone in a couple of years when they get re-assigned. O.k. fine I guess.. (grumble)

Well... now I count 6 nigger nests in our once all human subdivision and that's only on the streets I drive regularly going here and there. There is no telling how many more there are now that I don't see.

Two days ago I hear a chopper fly over the house a couple of times, low. I go out to see what's up and there is a shit ton of police cruisers canvasing the neighborhood driving up and down the streets along with the chopper just circling the area. I'm like what the fuck? This has NEVER happened here. Still don't know what that was all about but I'd wager a dollar a nigger was involved.

Now yesterday we find out someone is planing to build low income multi-family housing 3 blocks south of our house butted up against the subdivision. Fuck me....

The good thing is, about 3 weeks ago, we dumped our entire life savings into a pretty little place with 11 acres far away from this shithole city. It's right out side of the city limits of a little town populated with only humans.