Chet Hanks, son of Tom Hanks, chose to engage in bestiality by drilling oil. The nigger sow turned out to be, unsurprisingly, violent and a thief. Now they are suing each other. The sow is attempting to dig gold but, judging by the fry pan impacted bloody face of the oil drilling dumbass, she is the main purveyor of violence. He is getting what he deserves for violating basic rules regarding niggers, namely; Avoid the Groid, Do not Get Involved With a Nigger for Any Reason Ever and Do Not Engage in Bestiality.

The question is, will the Hank's family learn a lesson and begin to recognize what niggers really are? Me thinks not. In a small way, I feel a bit bad for the boy. He was raised with Hollywood values; to believe niggers are human and oil drilling is noble and commendable. He never had a chance. But, as it is said, ignorance is no excuse and he is an adult. He has rejected the information available about niggers in favor of his Hollywood upbringing. He is getting what he has earned. Being that he is a white male with some wealth and fame, and she is a ghetto trash whore with twin nigglets from an unknown nigger buck, I'm sure his misguided benevolence will be rewarded by the courts in a form where he will be required to give a prize to the nigger sow.