I certainly do appreciate the welcome, wow!

Yeah, a stroke (and hypertension) is no joke. I had a CVA or hemorrhagic stroke. Basically blowing a gasket in your brain. Fortunately for me, mine was minor but still scary as shit. Since my health care comes from the VA, I had no idea I had high blood pressure because those assholes have been phoning it in (literally) for years. For the last 5 years or better, all of my appointments have been over the phone. Way before Covid made that a common thing. I did always wonder though how you can do a 'well patient check-up' over the phone without a physician actually listening to heart/lung sounds, taking a blood pressure, etc...
I might have known I was hypertensive years ago.

The scary part as I remember was a doctor/nurse, whatever she was asking me a pretty simple question. Inside my head, I knew exactly what she was asking and that the answer was an easy, simple answer. Getting my yap to work and form the words didn't happen though. For the life of me I could not speak the words. It's hard to explain. I could still speak normally, I just couldn't answer the question. That's the scary part. When that gels inside your head and you think "oh fuck, I'm not communicating". It's like the lights are on but there's a disconnect between your ability to form a thought and to actually speak it. Never been so terrified in my life.
Thank God that only lasted a couple of days. Anyway, it's awesome to hear from you all and sorry about the rant.
Check your blood pressure.