The stupid she boon faux intellectual that wrote whatever the hell that is in the news currently. Apparently there simply is too much Whitey DNA in the world's DNA databases. More nigger DNA is needed because racisms, something something. LOL
DNA databases are too white, so genetics doesn’t help everyone. How do we fix that?

It’s been two decades since the Human Genome Project first unveiled a rough draft of our genetic instruction book.
It's the Human Genome Project, which is probably why there are no niggers in it. Niggers aren't human LOL

Instead of a truly human genome that represents everyone, “what we have is essentially a European genome,” says Constance Hilliard, an evolutionary historian at the University of North Texas in Denton. “That data doesn’t work for anybody apart from people of European ancestry.”
Then go start a nigger genome project ya dumb she boon. Just start selling yo muh poosay on MLK BLVD and you can probably gather a whole shit ton of nigger DNA pretty quickly. LOLZY