HAHAHA!!!!!! I did it again..... I'm driving one of my destroyers, the Farragut. And as with ALL my vehicles, I have a big black Ace Of Spades and the inscription MAMMY on both sides. That and the fact that my handle is- Tar Remover is usually enough to trigger most talking apes who see it.
So I'm cruising along, minding my own human business when suddenly- BAM! I get rammed by what I'm sure is a nigger. Being well practiced in this type of escape I went hard right into the impact and wiggled away leaving a chittering chimp calling me a rayciss in the chat box. I fell in behind and angled away, letting him think I had gone. Setting up the perfect opportunity a few minutes later I managed to ram the ape's ship and dunk it. If you push a ship far enough over and continue pushing, you will drown it. Heading to the chat box, I asked How's it going, Rastus? Water sure is wet, isn't it....." Which got me pelted by a lot of ooking and eeking in the chat box.
You guys should REALLY try out this game. It's a BLAST!