Hey folks, I was a member of the original Chimpout before it got shut down. That was some time ago. Found out you guys were back and my hatred for the shitskinned foul simian beast has never wavered. It's ever more intense now. I now live in a smaller rural town where their population is about 0.3%, yet the city is very liberal except for the rest of the county. Thinking of moving to Russia, where my best friend works. Russians don't put up with monkey shines or leftist blue haired bullshit. There they will be beaten and thrown out with the trash. I'm afraid America is lost and for those who stay you will have to make a stand for you family and friends. Or you will be forever forced to bow down to the will of some Burn Loot Murder activists and SJW leftists. Have already purchased property outside the country. The worst kind of Nigger is the Somali, the foulest smelling, grotesque looking feral creature to crawl the earth, and many are Mohammedians. Ilhan Omar being a perfect example of this degenerate filth. I just want to live in a clean, safe country with good schools, arts, movies and beautiful women free of the nigger scourge. Pleasure to make your reacquaintance.