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  1. #1
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    This election ain't over yet, folks!

    I watched this evening (British Time) the 1hr 40min press conference, where Rudy Giuliani and his fellow lawyers laid out their case for declaring the election fraudulent. And a very convincing case they made, too! It's becoming clear that President Trump won by a massive margin.
    Guess what? All the mainstream media ignored it!

    Keep the faith, folks. President Trump says the pieces are all falling nicely into place. This could be decided by the Electoral College members deciding in favour of the President, or - if it goes to the House of Representatives - they will surely vote for Trump, as Republicans hold sway with each state having one vote each, and there being more Red states than Blue.

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  3. #2
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    It would be glorious if the electoral college members decided, as a collective, to keep The Donald in the Oval Office.

    My muh dik would be so hard if that actually happened...

    But realistically, I'm not expecting that to actually happen.

  4. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    It would be glorious if the electoral college members decided, as a collective, to keep The Donald in the Oval Office.

    My muh dik would be so hard if that actually happened...

    But realistically, I'm not expecting that to actually happen.
    Never say never!! We'll just have to wait and see!!

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  6. #4
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    Would be great if Trump stays in office.But there would be some massive riots across the country. I’d have to sleep with my loaded AR in bed with me.....
    Oh, wait a minute, I already do. LOL!

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  8. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Would be great if Trump stays in office.But there would be some massive riots across the country. I’d have to sleep with my loaded AR in bed with me.....
    Oh, wait a minute, I already do. LOL!
    Woah... it's cool to keep the magazine under the pillow.

    An accidental discharge from an AR can be bad news.

    And yes, I've also done the "sleeping with an M16" thing. It wasn't much of a concern in the early days, but nowadays I'm afraid I might start shooting at things while I'm still half-asleep.

    I have very bad dreams.

    What makes it worse is that some of them are based on a combination of things that exist, and don't exist. I still remember one nightmare where a few guys in my squad got cooked by a bomb that emitted a high intensity, omnidirectional microwave burst, while we were trying to infiltrate some base on another planet. Why would I even think of such things?

  9. #6
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    If DJT is chosen by the electoral college, there'd be unrest. Then he can declare martial law. Dictatorial, maybe, but that may be needed, because Biden & ho will enable niggers, illegals, liberals, sand niggers.
    Coalburning is bestiality.

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  11. #7
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    @ KBW...

    I am holding onto a tiny thread of hope, but under our system (republic), the individual states essentially have the final say in how they call their vote. Once that vote is "certified" by the state's board of elections, The Federal courts -- even the U.S. Supreme Court, have little to no authority to reverse that result.

    Again, stranger things have happened for sure, but this is going to be tough for TRUMP & Co.

    Further, I completely agree with the statement Ignatow made above. This nation would come apart at the seams if the election really were reversed. There are hundreds of millions of firearms in this country. A Civil War 2.0 would make the first one look like a little girls' tea party.

    The truth is, Election 2020 could have ended much worse for the good guys. It is likely Republicans will keep the Senate, and it looks like the margin in the House will be razor-thin. Many of the southern and western Democrats simply aren't going to support a far left agenda. President Harris won't get shit and will have to do what OBarry did -- rule by executive order. The difference now is, she will have to defend those EO's in front of the 6 - 3 TRUMP Supreme Court. Obama lost more than he won in front of a far friendlier Court. Things will be much more difficult for Harris.

    All which comes back around to this question...

    How does a successful sitting president "lose" an election to a senile old dotard and known pervert, while at the same time, gaining many seats in the House, and holding the Senate?

    The answer is simple...


  12. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    Woah... it's cool to keep the magazine under the pillow.

    An accidental discharge from an AR can be bad news.

    And yes, I've also done the "sleeping with an M16" thing. It wasn't much of a concern in the early days, but nowadays I'm afraid I might start shooting at things while I'm still half-asleep.

    I have very bad dreams.

    What makes it worse is that some of them are based on a combination of things that exist, and don't exist. I still remember one nightmare where a few guys in my squad got cooked by a bomb that emitted a high intensity, omnidirectional microwave burst, while we were trying to infiltrate some base on another planet. Why would I even think of such things?
    There is no such thing as accidental discharge. It’s gun negligence.
    When I say I sleep with my AR. I’m being a bit sarcastic. I have a suppressed AR 9mm banshee stood up between my bed frame and night stand.Round is Chambered .But safety is on. I time myself, it would take me under three seconds to have it in my hands ,aimed and fired.
    I’ve never served in the military.But I respect those who do.My older cousin who is now in his early 70s served in the Vietnam war. A Green Beret.The last we spoke, he still has issues sleeping.Nightmares and night sweats.

  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White
    I watched this evening (British Time) the 1hr 40min press conference, where Rudy Giuliani and his fellow lawyers laid out their case for declaring the election fraudulent. And a very convincing case they made, too! It's becoming clear that President Trump won by a massive margin.
    Guess what? All the mainstream media ignored it!

    Thank you, KBW!

    Trump attorney, Sidney Powell, accurately described this as "the 1775 of our generation". That is no exaggeration. Failure to overturn the spurious results of the 2020 U.S. presidential election will mean nothing less than the end of the free world.

    The scope of the corruption--from payoffs to the family of Georgia's Secretary of State to interference from international communist governments to aggressive censorship of election fraud news by the MSM and Silicon Valley--is astounding.

    This is a coup d'etat by global opponents of democracy.

    Anyone who believes that "the Georgia runoffs" will be any less corrupt than the presidential election--they use the same vote tabulation software for Heaven's sake!--is naive. They will be a mere formality.

    The MSM, Silicon Valley--all of them--have so exposed themselves that these powerful entities CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE. The arrogance displayed by elected officials such as Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi, Gretchen Whitmer, and so many others regarding "rules for thee, but not for me" evinces feelings of omnipotence which seem straight out of Edgar Allen Poe.

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, I think, speculated that, had Stalin's initial hit men been taken out individually, his Fear Machine might have been stopped in its tracks before it became effectively invincible. The challenge is for ordinary citizens to recognize such moments in their own lives.

    I believe, and Sidney Powell's words and urgency support this, that WE THE PEOPLE of the United States are at just such a juncture. We have a slim chance and, failing that, a once-in-a-century opportunity to Be All that We Can Be or bend over, communist-style.

    The lies of the MSM, of Silicon Valley, of Smartmatic, of Dominion, of so many things make this moment in history unambiguous. We cannot equivocate. Watch and take our cue from Sidney Powell. She is grounded, smart, wise, and BRAVE.

    The question is, are we? Am I? It is for this moment that we were born, and we will regret it all our lives if we equivocate.

  14. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    Woah... it's cool to keep the magazine under the pillow.

    An accidental discharge from an AR can be bad news.

    And yes, I've also done the "sleeping with an M16" thing. It wasn't much of a concern in the early days, but nowadays I'm afraid I might start shooting at things while I'm still half-asleep.

    I have very bad dreams.

    What makes it worse is that some of them are based on a combination of things that exist, and don't exist. I still remember one nightmare where a few guys in my squad got cooked by a bomb that emitted a high intensity, omnidirectional microwave burst, while we were trying to infiltrate some base on another planet. Why would I even think of such things?
    About 8 years ago I had a dream where I was dressed like Von Helsing. I walked by a coffin and a george soros looking vampire lept out towards me!! I staked the motherfucker of course and then I woke up!! I wonder what caused that dream?!

  15. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    About 8 years ago I had a dream where I was dressed like Von Helsing. I walked by a coffin and a george soros looking vampire lept out towards me!! I staked the motherfucker of course and then I woke up!! I wonder what caused that dream?!
    Watching a late night vampire move and eating too much hot sauce before bedtime? LOL!
    Eating late always gives me nightmares.

  16. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    Watching a late night vampire move and eating too much hot sauce before bedtime? LOL!
    Eating late always gives me nightmares.
    I seem to remember eating hot chiggun wangs and drinking several beers the night before!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  17. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by haywood View Post
    I seem to remember eating hot chiggun wangs and drinking several beers the night before!! LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    That’ll do it every time!

  18. #14
    Chimpout Guest

    forget niggers

    Forget niggers, the chinese are going to rule us if Biden takes it. Then they just fuck with elections from here on out.

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  20. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    @ KBW...

    I am holding onto a tiny thread of hope, but under our system (republic), the individual states essentially have the final say in how they call their vote. Once that vote is "certified" by the state's board of elections, The Federal courts -- even the U.S. Supreme Court, have little to no authority to reverse that result.

    Again, stranger things have happened for sure, but this is going to be tough for TRUMP & Co.

    Further, I completely agree with the statement Ignatow made above. This nation would come apart at the seams if the election really were reversed. There are hundreds of millions of firearms in this country. A Civil War 2.0 would make the first one look like a little girls' tea party.

    The truth is, Election 2020 could have ended much worse for the good guys. It is likely Republicans will keep the Senate, and it looks like the margin in the House will be razor-thin. Many of the southern and western Democrats simply aren't going to support a far left agenda. President Harris won't get shit and will have to do what OBarry did -- rule by executive order. The difference now is, she will have to defend those EO's in front of the 6 - 3 TRUMP Supreme Court. Obama lost more than he won in front of a far friendlier Court. Things will be much more difficult for Harris.

    All which comes back around to this question...

    How does a successful sitting president "lose" an election to a senile old dotard and known pervert, while at the same time, gaining many seats in the House, and holding the Senate?

    The answer is simple...

    My sentiments, EXACTLY!! Trump would get OVER 50,000 people at some rallies and biden struggled to get 25!! I call mega FRAUD!! Amazing how Dominion was developed in Venezuela. I DON'T want the US to be Venezuela!!

  21. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Midder Peenud Hayed View Post
    @ KBW...

    This nation would come apart at the seams if the election really were reversed.
    But it will come apart at the seams if this result is allowed to stand! Even though I'm not in the U.S.A., this result has taken away my desire to vote ever again - what's the point? This system is going to be used by leaders in other nations, who want to fix the results in their favour.
    The only solution I can see is for the Trump supporters to march in their millions, and stating they will never vote again if this case is not taken to the Supreme Court. That can be a very powerful weapon - as long as people mean what they say!

    But all is not lost yet. Take a look at this, Alan Jones from Sky News Australia - particularly about four minutes in:

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  23. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post

    But all is not lost yet. Take a look at this, Alan Jones from Sky News Australia - particularly about four minutes in:
    Well that is interesting with regard to the executive order and the foreign owned hardware/software systems, but for anything to happen the DOJ would have to get off their asses. Bill Barr seems to be fucking useless, most probably because the whole department has been owned by the commies all along.

    It is also interesting to here Alan comment on just how much mail/questions he's been getting from all over the world. He sure is a total Trumper and thinks Trump can still win. Earlier, I saw Alan Jones trending in Melbourne on Twitter. The lefties here fucking hate him!
    Melbourne does not have a gang problem. Melbourne has a nigger problem!

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  25. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie Chimper
    He sure is a total Trumper and thinks Trump can still win.
    I do as well. Frankly, things have only just begun to heat up. Seriously.

    This just in:
    In AZ, "35,000 votes were added to every Democrat candidate in AZ (but not to any Republicans), to start their count".

    "oddsmakers have yet to pay out on a “Biden victory.” They’re more honest than our garbage dump media"

    I trust bookies more than politicians.

  26. #19
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    While I am not optimistic in the least, the only reason I still hold onto a thread of hope is that TRUMP managed to largely realign the Federal court system. If they can manage to get cases out of the state courts and into the Federal, then there is some hope. But that is going to be a long shot...

    Millions of ballots have already been shredded and hard drives wiped. As states begin to "certify" the election results, it will become increasingly difficult to challenge those results. We're at that stage right now.

    I'm a big believer in fighting the fights you have a chance of winning. I'm not sure this is one of those times...

  27. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by NigShitPigShit View Post
    I do as well. Frankly, things have only just begun to heat up. Seriously.
    I totally agree. I've just been watching the hearing in Pennsylvania, and it's beginning to look like this is going to get some wind behind it. There's going to be more court action on Friday.
    Don't lose heart, my friends. It's clear President Trump has no intention of quitting. The MSM aren't going to be able to ignore this story much longer, and once the evidence is presented in court, I think this election in those swing states WILL be overturned.

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