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  1. #1
    Chimpout Guest

    America would be an amazing, safe prosperous country if it weren't for the groids

    America would have beautiful cities without urban rot. Look at how nice the cities in northern europe are or were before the towel heads invaded.

    Imagine a day without nignogs - it would be so great. All the "woke" assholes say white males are fragile and easily triggered. Ha! Look at a nigger the wrong way and he will freak the fuck out and go full chimp.

    It was a stupid greedy mistake bringing nigger slaves to america. But it was also a mistake not sending them back to Africa after the civil war.

    I really despair that this country is just rotting away. I don't know what to do. I thought about moving to germany or sweden, but they're going to get overrun by african rapefugees and already have a problem with all the sand nigs they let in. I was hoping Trump would have taken some real action against the nigs, but I guess that was stupid on my part.

  2. #2
    Full clip
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    America would have beautiful cities without urban rot. Look at how nice the cities in northern europe are or were before the towel heads invaded.

    Imagine a day without nignogs - it would be so great. All the "woke" assholes say white males are fragile and easily triggered. Ha! Look at a nigger the wrong way and he will freak the fuck out and go full chimp.

    It was a stupid greedy mistake bringing nigger slaves to america. But it was also a mistake not sending them back to Africa after the civil war.

    I really despair that this country is just rotting away. I don't know what to do. I thought about moving to germany or sweden, but they're going to get overrun by african rapefugees and already have a problem with all the sand nigs they let in. I was hoping Trump would have taken some real action against the nigs, but I guess that was stupid on my part.

    Meanwhile China marches on whilst laughing all the way to prosperity and increasing global domination.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    America would have beautiful cities without urban rot. Look at how nice the cities in northern europe are or were before the towel heads invaded.

    Imagine a day without nignogs - it would be so great. All the "woke" assholes say white males are fragile and easily triggered. Ha! Look at a nigger the wrong way and he will freak the fuck out and go full chimp.

    It was a stupid greedy mistake bringing nigger slaves to america. But it was also a mistake not sending them back to Africa after the civil war.

    I really despair that this country is just rotting away. I don't know what to do. I thought about moving to germany or sweden, but they're going to get overrun by african rapefugees and already have a problem with all the sand nigs they let in. I was hoping Trump would have taken some real action against the nigs, but I guess that was stupid on my part.
    Tell me something I don't know!!

  4. #4
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    Boils down to we should have picked our own fuckin' cotton!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  5. #5
    Full Clip
    Chimpout Guest
    ..or sent 'em packin' back to Afreaka when humans invented harvesting machinery!

  6. #6
    Million monkey march
    Chimpout Guest
    Why niggers had to be shipped here as labor is a mystery to me. There was plenty of men here that would have worked in the fields - with some pay of course. I guess greed was a part of it. Since you don't gave to pay nigger slaves a wage. They had to be whipped to work. They still won't work to this day, they are only a drag on society.

  7. #7
    Chimpout Guest
    It’s an unfortunate state of events. America actually does have the potential to be a real superpower with education comparable to Japan or even Finland but we had to make the mistake to allow the third world in, so its glorious destiny will probably never be realized. Our system of law and order has failed us and we have too many enemies on the legal team. I don’t know what the future holds, being some of us still respect our laws to really get our hands dirty and others are too cucked to be useful at all.
    The media tends to exaggerate the issues though and looking around the internet I see massive amounts of angry people and negative feedback to forced nigger worshipping in places that aren’t strictly moderated. People are indeed fed up and Biden rallies have virtually no people at all and Trump gets tons of supporters.
    I’m still remaining hopeful that it isn’t over yet.

  8. #8
    Blue Gum hfcn6
    Chimpout Guest
    How I wish whitey would've had more discernment regarding bringing niggers here, like it was said above; and I have said before, ALL the niggers AND even the mixed breeds should've been DEPORTED after the Civil War....just wish our Fore fathers would've had more insite.....

  9. #9
    Coon Club Road's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Full Clip View Post
    ..or sent 'em packin' back to Afreaka when humans invented harvesting machinery!

    Right On!

    = Niggers Are Always Causing Problems
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Carrying Pistols
    N.A.A.C.P. = Niggers Are Always Copping Pleas

  10. #10
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    America would have beautiful cities without urban rot. Look at how nice the cities in northern europe are or were before the towel heads invaded.

    Imagine a day without nignogs - it would be so great. All the "woke" assholes say white males are fragile and easily triggered. Ha! Look at a nigger the wrong way and he will freak the fuck out and go full chimp.

    It was a stupid greedy mistake bringing nigger slaves to america. But it was also a mistake not sending them back to Africa after the civil war.

    I really despair that this country is just rotting away. I don't know what to do. I thought about moving to germany or sweden, but they're going to get overrun by african rapefugees and already have a problem with all the sand nigs they let in. I was hoping Trump would have taken some real action against the nigs, but I guess that was stupid on my part.
    I can feel with you! Living on the other side of the pond, having the same problem. A few years back (yep, I am old), most of the European counties were just beautiful. Clean, safe, almost corruption free. That is not the case any more! Forget about Germany, that is completely destroyed, it looks and feels like the Weimarer Republik nowadays & there are hordes of niggers and sand niggers. Official numbers say there are more than 30 000 Isis fighters, and less then 25% of the children under 5yo come out of a german speaking household. Do the math. Pair that with ultra corrupt media & political parties and you get the picture. Sane people are running away since almost 5 years now. Same goes for Sweden (more then 3 bomb attacks per week) and France (~850 attacks on churches in 2018 alone!!). I don't know what to do. Actually, considering learning Mandarin & Russian. Perhaps the Brits will make it, although I doubt it.

  11. #11
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    After Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, he wanted to ship them to Central and South America. I believe what stopped it was his assassination.

  12. #12
    I aint bin dun did dat!'s Avatar
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    The most nigger free location I could find
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    It’s an unfortunate state of events. America actually does have the potential to be a real superpower with education comparable to Japan or even Finland but we had to make the mistake to allow the third world in, so its glorious destiny will probably never be realized. Our system of law and order has failed us and we have too many enemies on the legal team. I don’t know what the future holds, being some of us still respect our laws to really get our hands dirty and others are too cucked to be useful at all.
    The media tends to exaggerate the issues though and looking around the internet I see massive amounts of angry people and negative feedback to forced nigger worshipping in places that aren’t strictly moderated. People are indeed fed up and Biden rallies have virtually no people at all and Trump gets tons of supporters.
    I’m still remaining hopeful that it isn’t over yet.
    yea, its funny, I always see these liberal idiots bringing up our rank in education throughout the world. They know damn, good and well inner city nigger schools will always bring down the national average. How about we exclude niggers from these statistics and show us the numbers? That would just prove what we all already know.

  13. #13
    Full Clip
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    After Abraham Lincoln freed the slaves, he wanted to ship them to Central and South America. I believe what stopped it was his assassination.
    I think this means that we should see J. Wilkes Booth in a different light to J. Earl Ray....

  14. #14
    Chimpout Guest
    How ironic! I just watched an idiot African nigger argue with the human manager of a small store in my hometown as to where he unloads his truck. And I heard from another worker that he's been there before, and the store is so small it's pretty self explanatory where to go. But to call that thing a pea brain, would probably qualify as praise. I felt so sorry for that woman.

    I often wish I had a time machine, then I could take some of those diehard "abolitionists" of the 19th century. And bring them here, showing them how all these beasts they loved SO much are supposedly "just like us". All wonderful "culture" of raping, robbing and murder. The crap music, inbreeding and erosion of once great southern cities, that kind of reality check would probably turn the most coddling of them to diehard haters in a heartbeat. All seeing how they contributed to this glorious future for their descendants. It makes me want to slap some sense into them.

  15. #15
    Chimpout Guest
    Back then, I think they were more the "Be kind to animals" types. People who would hang velvet pictures of horses and unicorns on their walls if they had been invented yet. I don't think they ever thought niggers would be soiling genetics, voting and generally be left to roam around as though they were equals. To them, niggers were human-like animals. Science wasn't as advanced as it is now. They could even communicate with them on a rudimentary level. I'm sure they felt sad when they heard niggers screaming, moaning or crying. They gave in to their emotions instead of viewing niggers as any other beasts they had on the farm that made noises. If they had only known how wrong they were.

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Back then, I think they were more the "Be kind to animals" types. People who would hang velvet pictures of horses and unicorns on their walls if they had been invented yet. I don't think they ever thought niggers would be soiling genetics, voting and generally be left to roam around as though they were equals. To them, niggers were human-like animals. Science wasn't as advanced as it is now. They could even communicate with them on a rudimentary level. I'm sure they felt sad when they heard niggers screaming, moaning or crying. They gave in to their emotions instead of viewing niggers as any other beasts they had on the farm that made noises. If they had only known how wrong they were.
    I feel like they knew then what they knew now. The difference is in television and far left education has warped history. The constant bombardment of ideology destroys the mind from a young age. It comes in many different forms from TV shows to Movies and even commercials where there is always a burner and buck or a cuck and a sow.

    Think about this other example. Do you remember the original Tasmanian Devil from Loony Tunes? He was a destructive force. Anything it ran into was demolished. He could not speak a human language; only grunts and growls. Music could easily distract it.(If they had rap back then lol). His appetite was insatiable. His anger could be set off by anything. He was a bad guy. Yet... He to this day is portrayed as cute and is adored like he wouldn't tear you to pieces if he were real. He is a perfect example of a nigger without actually drawing a nigger. An erratic beast you know will destroy you but for some just can't help but love if you are a liberal. (Sorry if I ruined taz for you).

    On the other hand we have for example, Yosemite Sam. He is a bad guy. Like Taz he is angry and stupid. But, he is white so it is ok to hate him to his core.

    Perhaps those are not good examples but the point I am trying to make is how the media can warp a mind. You have 2 bad guys but one of them is ok to love because it is a primitives beast. It will never be equal but it makes you feel good to pet it , feed it, and let it live among you. That is until it tears up your neighborhood and you leave it behind only yo go out and get some new pets of exactly the same breed.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  17. #17
    Full Clip
    Chimpout Guest
    Let's assume that each Nigger (incl. Niglets) costs the U.S $100K p.a for the provision of 'Freebies/Gibs' and to cover the cost of the destruction they cause simply by breathing/exhaling, see 'Hazchem'.
    I figure that amounts to four trillion $ p.a being an amount which ought be offered 'One-off, Up front' to five or six Afreakan, Central or South American countries if each were prepared to take seven or eight million Nigger 'Refugees' who desperately want to escape Whitey's brutality and '24/7' oppression. Even after the various dictators skimmed off a few billion for their personal Swiss bank accounts they would still have billions left over to develop and create more infrastructure for their countries even if that meant building some new N.U facilities. If this proposal sounds too good to be true then sadly it is because the Niggers would refuse to leave the U.S for the same reason that several Hollywood 'Celebrities' didn't leave despite having threatened to do so if DJT was elected in 2016.
    Yes, although the U.S is such a terrible, 'Rayciss' and oppressive country nobody wants to leave it. Funny that...

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Full Clip View Post
    I think this means that we should see J. Wilkes Booth in a different light to J. Earl Ray....
    Definitely, that bastard changed our lives for the worse! Imagine not having any niggs!

  19. #19
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Full clip View Post
    Meanwhile China marches on whilst laughing all the way to prosperity and increasing global domination.
    Have you ever been to Shanghai or Shenzhen in recent years? Every, and I mean that, every US / European city looks and feels like 3rd world in comparison. It's just sad! As an engineer, you can even earn a lot more money in China than in the US today - the only thing were westerns are still on top (earning wise) is at nonsense jobs (models, mimics, pro-athletes, influencers ...). I just can imagine how much money we poured into "gender", "integration", "feminism", "affirmative action" and so on. Guess where we would stand today if we had spend that money in science, engineering, technology, STEM education. Man, there probably would be a US colony on Mars, working nuclear fusion reactors and so on.
    Fuck, now I am pissed by just thinking of the missed opportunities.

  20. #20
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I feel like they knew then what they knew now. The difference is in television and far left education has warped history. The constant bombardment of ideology destroys the mind from a young age. It comes in many different forms from TV shows to Movies and even commercials where there is always a burner and buck or a cuck and a sow.
    You are right, they knew exactly! You just need to dig a little bit into history. Long story short, Brits abolished slavery. To protect the freed slaves they brought back to Africa they created colonies (e.g. Sierra Leone), because the Africans were hostile to the new arrivals.
    Next, Jim Crow. Just read the old newspapers of the ~1870s, there has been a lot of discussion how to protect the white people, due to the massively disproportional crime rates of blacks (especially towards whites) and whites. Jim Crow did not come out of nowhere!
    Another good example, try to find the book of Albert Schweitzer (he was given the Nobel Peace Price for his humanitarian work in Africa!!) where he describes his life in Africa "From my african notebook".

    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    Perhaps those are not good examples but the point I am trying to make is how the media can warp a mind. You have 2 bad guys but one of them is ok to love because it is a primitives beast. It will never be equal but it makes you feel good to pet it , feed it, and let it live among you. That is until it tears up your neighborhood and you leave it behind only yo go out and get some new pets of exactly the same breed.
    Ever heard the term "noble savage"? That is a literary stock character, developed in the 15th century (by French, Belgian, German writers?? I don't remember). It was established in English literature in the 17th century. Essentially, after the first encounters with people from other continents, it was assumed the "savage" would live in peace and harmony with nature and each other, without wars and so on. That contrasted to the European developed societies, who constantly fought against each other. They learned pretty fast that that was not the case. But still, the humanities and therefore most left wing people are into that stuff, because reading philosophical books from the last millennia is much less effort than to learn real things (e.g. statistics to understand crime rates). And because of self hatred of course

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