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  1. #21
    Chimpout Guest
    Well Swiss Guy, welcome! It sounds like things are making more sense to you now about niggers. Spend some time reading some of the other forums here at Chimpout and you'll become well versed on the subject. I love how this site has a visitor's forum where guests are allowed to post. I look forward to reading more posts from you concerning your perspectives and observations of sand niggers and regular niggers. I'm sure if you have questions, many here will be happy to answer.

  2. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Guy from Switzerland here. I do have a question to all the nigger experts here: To me, blacks were a unknown thing until ca. five years ago. Then the colonization of Europe happened - thank you, dear liberal assholes! Due to the lack of contact, I believed the liberal nonsense 'they are just dark humans' until I recently. They don't behave like normal humans, that can't be denied.
    I did for example notice some strange behaviour, and I would like to know if that is an African thing, or if the US blacks behave the same. For example, females very often do very strange motions with their heads and eyes. I don't know how to describe, like wiggling the head? Another strange behaviour seems to be they either move very slow, or they jump around like little kids. There is more, I just don't remember right now.

    What I would like to know: Is that typical behaviour for black folks, or is that some African culture thing? Thanks!
    We here in the U.S. have kind of a saying: One's tolerance for niggers is inversely proportional to their distance from niggers. Meaning the further away from niggers you are, the more 'human' they seem to you. You experienced a bit of culture shock, because in your limited experience with niggers, you discovered, very abruptly, that they aren't AT ALL like they are portrayed on TV and in Cinema. Up close and personal, they are quite dangerous, like many other wild animals.

    To answer your direct question, American blacks have a bit more human DNA, because of rampant white liberal species intermixing, than their pure African counterparts, as well as being able to better emulate human behavior than Africans because of the intense training regimen we used to put them under a couple of hundred years ago. But, many of the behaviors, and frankly, much worse, can be observed in their American counterparts. Here, they rape, kill, steal, cheat, lie and commit various other crimes with the same zest and zeal as a nigger fresh off the boat from the Congo. Don't try to differentiate or draw comparisons between the two breeds, you'll get yourself in trouble for making wrong assumptions about one being 'better' than the other.
    A nigger is the only creature in all of God's creation that can commit heinous and violent crimes, and then have the gall to petition for laws meant to restrain society's response to that criminality. Even a terrorist understands that bad things will happen if they're caught.

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  4. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    We here in the U.S. have kind of a saying: One's tolerance for niggers is inversely proportional to their distance from niggers. Meaning the further away from niggers you are, the more 'human' they seem to you. You experienced a bit of culture shock, because in your limited experience with niggers, you discovered, very abruptly, that they aren't AT ALL like they are portrayed on TV and in Cinema. Up close and personal, they are quite dangerous, like many other wild animals.
    How true. Low IQ + zero impulse control + natural tendancy to violence = Dangerous nigger. You can train them, but can never tame them.
    "Give niggers positions of responsibility and power to prove "they are just like us!" and results will always be the same - muh dik and disaster for humans."

  5. #24
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by MineEvolved View Post
    We here in the U.S. have kind of a saying: One's tolerance for niggers is inversely proportional to their distance from niggers. Meaning the further away from niggers you are, the more 'human' they seem to you. You experienced a bit of culture shock, because in your limited experience with niggers, you discovered, very abruptly, that they aren't AT ALL like they are portrayed on TV and in Cinema. Up close and personal, they are quite dangerous, like many other wild animals.
    Haha, love that! Best thing, if you replace "niggers" with "africans" you can even say that to probably any liberal person, since they are so stupid / uneducated that they won't understand the term "inversely proportional" You know, math is an invention of the white man to suppress niggers & feminists. Apart from that humanities can't be considered as education anyway, just 50 years ago none of this nonsense could be studied at universities. University meant scientific work, and art, literature and so on was just an leisure add on of the curriculum "Humboldtsche Bildung")

  6. #25
    Chimpout Guest

    Reason is this

    The strange erratic movements are most commonly seen in North American blacks. It is caused by the enormous chip on the shoulder they carry. The weight slows them down and the frenetic dancing and thrashing is when the chip pokes them in the neck... causes the ondulating movement you see.

  7. #26
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by CoonsЯus View Post

    Thank the Lord the Swiss can vote on everything. Niggers are nature's enemy and keeping them out is imperative !
    Sadly, not any more! The criminal left has found a really mean way to block that: Just make a country sign some UN conventions (or similar supranational contracts), and here you go, gone is the possibility to vote on that. Exactly that happens here on topics like migration, islam, co2 targets, and so on. We can't "vote" against that stuff any more. Newest thing is they are trying to take our guns to comply to EU legislature (and Switzerland is not even a member of the European Union). Pure Evil!

  8. #27
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Sadly, not any more! The criminal left has found a really mean way to block that: Just make a country sign some UN conventions (or similar supranational contracts), and here you go, gone is the possibility to vote on that. Exactly that happens here on topics like migration, islam, co2 targets, and so on. We can't "vote" against that stuff any more. Newest thing is they are trying to take our guns to comply to EU legislature (and Switzerland is not even a member of the European Union). Pure Evil!
    Wait, what guns? Thought you were not allowed to have any in the old world.

  9. #28
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    ^^^ Switzerland is unique in western Europe in that citizens who are properly trained can own firearms -- even military-grade weapons (sub-machineguns, etc...) in many cases.

  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by IseDaDiva View Post
    How true. Low IQ + zero impulse control + natural tendancy to violence = Dangerous nigger. You can train them, but can never tame them.
    Even with the "electronic bullwhip!!" I guess some niggers get tazed so often by da' poleez that they develope a tolerance!!

  11. #30
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Wait, what guns? Thought you were not allowed to have any in the old world.
    That's true for most of Europe. But we and the Finn people (and, till the 90s the Brits) are/were allowed to have guns. Actually, males had to serve in the army until 89, and when you came out you could choose if you wanted to keep your guns or not. Which means personal handgun and a rifle. You were even allowed to carry that thing around openly - not any more. But still, if you want to buy a gun, you can get a license pretty easy, as non criminal that is. You don't even need to be citizen. At least if you are not from a muslim or african country (not exactly correct, there is a list, but as a 'rule of thumb'). Don't know if that is still the case, but until recently single shot guns could even be purchased without license and registration. And guess what: We don't have a shooting problem (yet), I suppose with the massive influx of niggers and sand niggers that will change pretty soon.

  12. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    That's true for most of Europe. But we and the Finn people (and, till the 90s the Brits) are/were allowed to have guns. Actually, males had to serve in the army until 89, and when you came out you could choose if you wanted to keep your guns or not. Which means personal handgun and a rifle. You were even allowed to carry that thing around openly - not any more. But still, if you want to buy a gun, you can get a license pretty easy, as non criminal that is. You don't even need to be citizen. At least if you are not from a muslim or african country (not exactly correct, there is a list, but as a 'rule of thumb'). Don't know if that is still the case, but until recently single shot guns could even be purchased without license and registration. And guess what: We don't have a shooting problem (yet), I suppose with the massive influx of niggers and sand niggers that will change pretty soon.
    Just like with any other case involving niggers, they are the problem. Not the guns. Also I am sure the media in your home is controlled by the left. So any time a nigger or muslim shoots 5 people it was an incident. IF a white kid does it "we need gun control". It was a "mass shooting". They didn't even call the fort hood/pulse nighclub terror attacks mass shootings. The hypocrisy is DEEP on the left.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

    Appeasement is feeding the beast, hoping it will eat you last.

  13. #32
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    Remember that niggers will congregate around cities where they can leach an existence from the locals. What you also want to remember is a nigger only cares about another nigger or themselves. The left wing thinks its progress by letting them have the ability to vote but that is the deadliest thing that can happen. so here is the prime reason never to let niggers in your cities because 1) Property values go to shit,
    2) Crime instantly increases,
    3) there is always someone screaming gibs and some fuck nut saying they're entitled to it,
    4) If you let them in your city then you'll never get them out.
    5) If you let them vote then some nigger is going to get elected,
    6) Remember from up above that niggers only care about comes the legal stealing where their candidate works to give the niggers everything.
    7) Infrastructure goes to shit and nothing is worth anything overnight. Family businesses crater, you can't sell them to break even, they tax the fuck out of you to bring in more niggers and the city becomes known as a crime ridden shit hole that no one want to go to.
    8) Because niggers don't work you can't tax them to fix the shit they fuck up.

    Morale: Keep niggers out of your city!

  14. #33
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by zagnut View Post
    Remember that niggers will congregate around cities where they can leach an existence from the locals. What you also want to remember is a nigger only cares about another nigger or themselves. The left wing thinks its progress by letting them have the ability to vote but that is the deadliest thing that can happen. so here is the prime reason never to let niggers in your cities because 1) Property values go to shit,
    2) Crime instantly increases,
    3) there is always someone screaming gibs and some fuck nut saying they're entitled to it,
    4) If you let them in your city then you'll never get them out.
    5) If you let them vote then some nigger is going to get elected,
    6) Remember from up above that niggers only care about comes the legal stealing where their candidate works to give the niggers everything.
    7) Infrastructure goes to shit and nothing is worth anything overnight. Family businesses crater, you can't sell them to break even, they tax the fuck out of you to bring in more niggers and the city becomes known as a crime ridden shit hole that no one want to go to.
    8) Because niggers don't work you can't tax them to fix the shit they fuck up.

    Morale: Keep niggers out of your city!
    That's bad, you are describing a "liberal spiral to death". Essentially that would mean as soon as there is a significant amount of liberals, look out for a new country? (If there were any sane left - western ones I mean.)

  15. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    That's bad, you are describing a "liberal spiral to death". Essentially that would mean as soon as there is a significant amount of liberals, look out for a new country? (If there were any sane left - western ones I mean.)
    Correct. Unfortunately, America is (or arguably was) the last place to escape this spiral. There really is no place to go once this country goes tits up. If America fails at the experiment of liberty, so does the world. One world tyranny will be the ultimate result. This will be the last country to fall and with it, the world. I don't want it, but I see the writing on the wall - a civil war is coming and there will be no stopping it. It will literally be a handful of freedom loving patriots against the world. It will be global but the worst part of it will be here.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  16. #35
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Correct. Unfortunately, America is (or arguably was) the last place to escape this spiral. There really is no place to go once this country goes tits up. If America fails at the experiment of liberty, so does the world. One world tyranny will be the ultimate result. This will be the last country to fall and with it, the world. I don't want it, but I see the writing on the wall - a civil war is coming and there will be no stopping it.
    Sadly, I have to agree. I do think exactly that will happen. Exceptions will be the Asian countries, Japan, China, Taiwan - and they won't take whites as refugees, because they see what happened here and they know multiculturalism does not work. Funnily enough, even in supposed 3rd world countries people know what happens to the US / European countries, and refuse to take refugees by pointing out how bad GB & Germany became due to the mohammedan sand niggers. (I read that in Philippine newspapers. Whereas, two years ago the Philippines did not feel like 3rd world, at least not in comparison to California or Baltimore.)

    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    It will literally be a handful of freedom loving patriots against the world. It will be global but the worst part of it will be here.
    I am not sure. I do think Europe will be worse. Because people there don't know what happens, and they don't have any chance to defend. Probably in Europe whites won't survive, but I do think there are enough sane whites left in the US to form a new (smaller) white refugee country. Funnily I'd guess that will happen in the south, where people are annoyed the most, even though most whites live in the northern states.

  17. #36
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Correct. Unfortunately, America is (or arguably was) the last place to escape this spiral. There really is no place to go once this country goes tits up. If America fails at the experiment of liberty, so does the world. One world tyranny will be the ultimate result. This will be the last country to fall and with it, the world. I don't want it, but I see the writing on the wall - a civil war is coming and there will be no stopping it. It will literally be a handful of freedom loving patriots against the world. It will be global but the worst part of it will be here.
    That's probably the reason why Elon Musk wants to settle mars at all costs. Born in South Africa and probably one of the smarter guys on the planet, he for sure is able to predict the future pretty well...

  18. #37
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    That's bad, you are describing a "liberal spiral to death". Essentially that would mean as soon as there is a significant amount of liberals, look out for a new country? (If there were any sane left - western ones I mean.)
    Iceland, Russia, Argentina - perhaps a few islands at the end of the world. Can't think of other "sane" countries, apart from Asia that is.

  19. #38
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    Correct. Unfortunately, America is (or arguably was) the last place to escape this spiral. There really is no place to go once this country goes tits up. If America fails at the experiment of liberty, so does the world. One world tyranny will be the ultimate result. This will be the last country to fall and with it, the world. I don't want it, but I see the writing on the wall - a civil war is coming and there will be no stopping it. It will literally be a handful of freedom loving patriots against the world. It will be global but the worst part of it will be here.
    If we end up with a one world tyranny, I hope it ends up something like the one implied in the novel 'Starship Troopers.'

    Sure, there were a lot of things wrong with that society, but for the most part people were okay with it.

    "A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not."

    "A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility."

    (I'm a veteran, so I may be a little bit biased.)

  20. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If we end up with a one world tyranny, I hope it ends up something like the one implied in the novel 'Starship Troopers.' Sure, there were a lot of things wrong with that society, but for the most part people were okay with it.
    That would be a lot better than what was predicted in the books of Revelations, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Daniel and others. That's what I see coming. I'm not okay with that.

    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  21. #40
    Chimpout Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    If we end up with a one world tyranny, I hope it ends up something like the one implied in the novel 'Starship Troopers.'

    Sure, there were a lot of things wrong with that society, but for the most part people were okay with it.

    "A citizen accepts personal responsibility for the safety of the body politic, defending it with his life, a civilian does not."

    "A citizen has the courage to make the safety of the human race their personal responsibility."

    (I'm a veteran, so I may be a little bit biased.)
    Actually that is pretty similar of how the first democracy in Greece worked. You had to be a "good citizen" to be able to vote and get voted. Which meant you had to pay taxes for a few years, and be a benefit to the society. In many European countries (Switzerland, Germany, Austria...) men had to go to the army for a limited period of time after school.
    I was not a big fan of that regulation that time, but nowadays I do think it was a good thing. Not only because of being able to defend your country, but perhaps even more important: People learned to be self-reliant.
    Have you ever been to a US college in the last years? The kids need "safe spaces" with teddy bears and cushions, in dorms there are designated floors for the parents!!, yust in case the little baby needs mommy, and so on. I was told some of them even don't know how to wash and dress themselves - and we are talking about grown up people.
    Heck, during corona lockdown some doctoral student lady (think it was chemistry at MIT) asked on twitter for help because she did not know if she needed to purchase the 110V or the 230V version of some laboratory machinery. And since university was closed she could not ask her professor. THESE people are allowed to vote!! Even worse, imagine she would be responsible for something important, that type of people are saying stuff like "Oh, we don't need power plants, they are ugly and produce co2. In the modern world electricity comes out of the power outlet.". Frightening!!

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