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    For Those Who Enjoy A Good Argument

    I found this in my records today. It's from a couple of years back, when Tumblr accepted more controversial stuff than they do today. Thought you might like a glimpse into the minds of some of these liberals. I can't get a handle on the way they think, can you? They don't seem to be able to think for themselves; they just swallow the liberal bullshit hurled at them every day by the media.
    Anyway, have a bit of fun reading this....

    It started when someone posted a tribute to the victims of the World Trade Centre attack. And I responded....

    This was the event that turned me 180 degrees, from being an integrational liberal to realising that the races need to separate. They will never accept our western societies, because they are jealous of our accomplishments.
    The west is for White people (and Orientals are fine too).
    Blacks are just primitive apes, and should be sent back to where they and their families came from.

    Listen the fuck up.*Yes, 9/11 was a sad event that brings upon feelings of heart wrenching and grief, some even have made memes of the tragic event. BUT I will not be sad for this if your only purpose is to make me think lowly of another human being or a group of human beings.*September eleventh in 2001 is a memory that will live on in me as a day of US history and nothing more. I am not dead inside, I am facing the facts. It was a day of sorrow and what had started a war. But you pigs are only using it to fuel the hate towards legitimately anyone living in the Middle East and anyone who isn’t white and/or oriental. “Blacks are just primitive apes, and should be sent back to where they and their families came from.” That is the most racist and absolute discriminatory*bullshit I have heard on a post about remembrance and reverence.*

    You sir are a disgusting excuse of a human being and get to get the fuck off of your high horse of brain washed lies and hate speech. I have tolerated people like you for far too long and it has led to a race of extreme hierarchies where one end of the spectrum is far deep in the dirt while the other is soaring above the stars.*
    9/11 these days are nothing more than political propaganda to some and reason to be hateful towards others. You want a source of how I know this? Have a 26 page*pdf file**I refuse to sit back and watch it any further. In an age of revolution and technology where you can learn anything in the world and talk to anyone, you are spending your time grinding people in the dirt and blaming an entire population and the world’s second largest religion on the planet on an event that happened 17 years ago? That is not only a waste of your time but a disgusting use of your time and you need to find something else to whine and complain about if it isn’t doing the world a good deed or bettering it. You are doing nothing more than degrading not only entire countries and making yourself look bad, you are also holding a useless grudge over a piece in time. And if you are going to post about any little thing about 9/11, it better be something good and nothing like your racist mouth has spewed out just now.*
    Yes it was an event that may have hurt the reputation of entire populations, yes it may have caused concerns for the future with the still ongoing war in Iraq, but it isn’t a reason to shit on someone’s day when it was almost an entire generation ago. I was still in my mother’s womb when the event happened, I’ve read the more than saddening letter my mother written for me on that day, and I will not let you ruin what this day means for most. It may be remembrance or a day of grief, maybe one to look upon the past and change our ways, but it will not be a day of hate and racism used to make an entire nation hate another.*
    If your opinion belittles another living being or group of living beings, it is not an opinion. It is hate speech and will not be tolerated by my peers or I.
    Sincerely, an individual who will not stand for your heavily biased opinions

    Tl;Dr you are a disgusting pig for posting hate speech on this post and I hope you step on a lego*

    I quote you “I have tolerated people like you for far too long”
    The white people are starting to realise what a wonderful world it would be without you lot dragging the human race down. You’re a millstone around the necks of civilised people.
    You hate white people because you know that everything you have been given in life comes from the ingenuity of the white brain. Without us, you are nothing.
    Take your stupid liberal opinions and toss them in the dirt where they belong. Idiot!

    Take your racist opinions and toss them out too, bud. No one race is better than the other. You’re why people on the right get labeled racist.

    You are obviously a victim of liberal brainwashing. Are you seriously - SERIOUSLY? - telling me that the black race is on a level with the white race? Really? That cannot be justified, and you know it!
    White people built our great western societies so they could advance; something that blacks are incapable of doing.
    If they’re so wonderful, let them go back to Africa and Asia, and then they can show us whites how it should be done. That sounds about right, doesn’t it? No? Why? Afraid they’ll prove me right?
    Wake up, my friend. You need to see the light, as I did. Their aim is to guilt-trip us all into our own destruction. I for one will not stand idly by.

    If anyone’s a victim of brain washing it’s you bud. Have a lot of white people done great things in the past to build up this country? Yes. Have a lot of black people done great things in the past to build up this country? Yes, some could say with more standing in their way, at least back in the day. Are there bad white people and bad black people? Yes, just like there are bad people of every race, religion and political ideology.
    Not one race is superior to another. You keep thinking like that then you’ll never be able to look at someone of a different skin color without judging them. That’s wrong. Judge people on their character, not their skin color, someone important said that once, but he was black so you probably weren’t listening.

    First, let me thank you for putting forward your views in a sensible and polite manner, even if I do disagree with you. But let me respond to each point you make:
    Quote: “Have a lot of black people done great things in the past to build up this country?“
    Like what? Please explain.
    Quote: “Are there bad white people and bad black people? Yes, just like there are bad people of every race, religion and political ideology.“
    Of course that is true. But look at any area populated predominantly by blacks, and…. well, that’s all you need to do - look! Only some people choose to close their eyes when they look; they fail to recognise the obvious differences between white and black people. Blacks have an entirely different approach to life - an approach that does not belong in civilised society.
    Quote: “Not one race is superior to another. You keep thinking like that then you’ll never be able to look at someone of a different skin color without judging them.“
    The white race IS superior to the black race! Just as some people today believe - by blinding themselves to reality - they can change their sex, people like yourself are desperately trying to convince yourself that black societies are equal in their achievements to white societies. Look at history! The facts are there for all to see! And although some black people are undoubtedly nice good people, I still see them for what they are - part of an invasive species that should go back to their natural homelands. You guys in the U.S. will always be stuck with racial trouble until you realise that these blacks are not Americans. They are Africans!
    Quote: “Judge people on their character, not their skin color, someone important said that once, but he was black so you probably weren’t listening.”
    Oh yes, I was listening. It was Martin Luther King, on 28th August 1963. A man I admired in the Sixties, but who I now realise was not the saint he was projected to be. I still admire him for fighting for his cause though. But his cause should have been organising the mass shipment of blacks back to Africa.
    In summary, blacks know that every luxury they have in life was created by the white race. This creates jealousy, which in turn creates the most bitter kind of hatred possible. They know they can never equal our achievements, so all they can do is kick out at us, like the wild animals they are. I’m truly sorry if that view offends you or anyone else, but the world will never be at peace until we live separate lives - preferably on different sides of the world.

    Black inventors have been around forever, because any person of any race can be smart. From the stop light, to improvements on light bulbs, types of steam engines and the beloved super soaker. And let’s not forget the women behind hidden figures, who helped get us into space.
    Sure there arent a lot of them, I would say that was probably because racial tension were worse back then and many were probably held back.
    Nowadays, when you look at ghettos in America, I would say that’s more to blame on the Democratic leaders of those areas that have kept those African American communities in the dirt. It’s not because those people are black. That’s bad thinking my friend.

    “Black inventors have been around forever”
    Where? Like in Africa, you mean? Go back just 500 years, and they hadn’t even come up with the idea of a wheel!!! You really don’t have a grasp on the facts, do you?
    Oh, many were “held back” were they? You mean by Whitey? I see, it’s us to blame - again! Blacks (and their coddlers) have always blamed all their failings on Whitey.
    Space? Well, this is my field - and, although a handful of blacks assisted, the whole journey into space is almost 100% a White thing. That’s why niggers aren’t interested in the space programme - cos they had next to nothing to do with it. It’s way over their heads! They think we should have spent the money on yet more handouts for them.
    And ghettos in America are the same as ghettos anywhere in the world - brought about by the way blacks live. They are naturally dirty, and lack any sense of morals - wherever you find them. It IS because those people are black. You are the one with the bad thinking, my friend. But every day now, white people are coming round to see the truth, brushing the cobwebs of multiculturalism out of their heads, and daring to envision a new brighter future - one without blacks fucking up our otherwise wonderful societies.

    Alright bud, I’m done. I give you examples of African American inventors that you ignore, saying they’re in Africa.
    Are…are you just pretending that segregation didn’t exist? Yes, during that time blacks were held back by white people. These are facts. You can’t act like it didn’t happen. Im not saying every white person was behind it, because the majority of the country did not agree with it, hence why it’s illegal now.
    If you’re going to just spout racist shit then I have no more to say to you.

    Sorry, you did say African Americans, didn’t you? Well, there are bound to be a few, but invention is not something that comes to mind when one thinks of blacks, is it?
    But there are no such things as African Americans. That’s where all the trouble originates; they are NOT Americans, they’re Africans. And Africa is where they belong. Your great nation was built by and for white people, and I get sick of hearing it denegrated for being the great nation it is.
    When one considers how other powerful countries have behaved in past centuries, the USA is a remarkably restrained nation.
    Let’s just agree to differ. I just hope white Americans will realise what’s happening before it’s too late.
    But no hard feelings, huh?

    Invention is not something that comes to mind when I think of whites, because white people are not inherently and automatically smart because of their skin color. That’s such backwards thinking I can’t wrap my head around it.
    What country did your ancestors come from? Maybe you should be sent back from where you came from, if we’re trying to stick to that kind of crap.
    I almost agree with your statement that there are no such thing as African Americans, but not with your logic. Once you are an American citizen, then you’re an American. First and foremost. Putting people in boxes and separating them by their race, religion, etc. is doing exactly what people like you want to happen. It’s divisive bullcrap.
    America is and always will be a melting pot for anyone to come and belong. Even small minded bigots as yourself. And don’t get me wrong by saying it’s a melting pot as wanting open borders and unchecked immigration. I’m all for people wanting to come here and better themselves, as long as they do so legally and respect and follow our rules and laws.

    To quote you: “Invention is not something that comes to mind when I think of whites, because white people are not inherently and automatically smart because of their skin color.“
    What kind of thought process is involved here? Nobody says white people are smart because of their skin colour! It is because white people are smart!!! When have blacks ever come anywhere near equalling the intelligence of whites? When?
    Sorry, pal, but your logic is all I’ve come to expect from liberal-thinking adults. Sorry, I don’t mean to insult you; I’m sure you’re a nice, well-meaning guy - but I honestly feel you ought to delve into the history of the black race with a more open mind, instead of falling prey to their whinging and whining.
    They’re a useless race of people, who just want to blame all their failures on everyone else.

    Not following this mormon but had to repost this idiot’s view on the world. @liberalrubbishexposed has the twisted view of America of old.
    I agree with you @proudcoloradoconservative, many inventions were created by blacks, i.e. the cotton gin. Also the fact that once aa legal citizen of America, you are an American.

    A tiny number of unimportant things were invented by blacks. And anyone who disagrees with my views, well….just look for yourself.
    Take any - ANY - area that was once predominantly inhabited by whites, and now by blacks…. what do you see? A filthy, run-down crime-ridden area, full of drugs, pimps, and prostitutes.
    You can shout and scream “Racist” all you want. But it can’t alter the facts.
    The world would be as near to paradise as it could ever be, without the millstone round our necks that is niggers. What a pathetic, useless race they are!

    Oh, and no! Just because someone is made “legally” a citizen does not change their origin. There is no such thing as a black American - just as there are no black Europeans.
    However hard you try to erase the history you are so ashamed of, you can’t do it.

    thephilosophicaljew asked:
    What the FUCK is the matter with you? You think that a post dedicated to remembering a tragic event where 3,000+ people died is a place to spread your hatred and division. Just do everyone a favor and jump off the fucking hoover damn. Shame on you!

    I’d say it was those that brought about that act on that day that were the ones spreading the hatred, wouldn’t you? It opened the eyes of former liberals like me, and led me to my belief that division is precisely what is needed.
    And your reaction is typical of you liberals - you believe in free speech as long as the speaker is in agreement with you!
    Us whites have tried being kind to you lot, but it’s taken as weakness. So the shame is on you!

    ediebritt QUOTE:
    “I am sorry but did you think about anything?? Black people were and still are under white influence. They didn’t have time for developing culture like whiteys did because they came, stole their treasures, made them slaves, brought plagues… They fucked up Africa. Without their fucking imperialism Africa would look like Wakanda. Suck up your egos and stop pretending racism is patriotism. There are more Black people on Earth than white. So shut the fuck up.”

    You can see today, wherever blacks move into any decent-looking area, it’s fucked up in no time. They don’t need Whitey to do it - they manage it perfectly well on their own!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    This part had me cracking up ...... what a fucking delusional nigger.

    Black inventors have been around forever, because any person of any race can be smart. From the stop light, to improvements on light bulbs, types of steam engines and the beloved super soaker. And let’s not forget the women behind hidden figures, who helped get us into space.
    Of course, magic niggers are everywhere!

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    The only reasons Africa has a handful of innovations for mankind is because Egypt and the Saharan region. Egypt has some architectural, medical, and mathematical discoveries and innovations. Nothing noteworthy beyond the pyramids and statues erected, honestly. That's about the extent that Africa has truly given the world.

    Egyptians are more akin to sandniggers though than full blown, sub-Saharan, simian apes.

    That was a fun read-through LOL. Thanks for sharing. My blood was vicariously boiled lol.

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    They can talk all the bullshit they want. But at the end of the day niggs know what they are. And nigger‘s hate niggers too! Just drive by any hood on a weekend and park a couple blocks around the corner. You’ll hear gunshots,then the constant serenade of emergency sirens going in and out of the fucking ghetto dump.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jim Crow View Post
    They can talk all the bullshit they want. But at the end of the day niggs know what they are. And nigger‘s hate niggers too! Just drive by any hood on a weekend and park a couple blocks around the corner. You’ll hear gunshots,then the constant serenade of emergency sirens going in and out of the fucking ghetto dump.
    In every BLUE city in the US!!

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    This part had me cracking up ...... what a fucking delusional nigger.

    Black inventors have been around forever, because any person of any race can be smart. From the stop light, to improvements on light bulbs, types of steam engines and the beloved super soaker. And let’s not forget the women behind hidden figures, who helped get us into space.
    Actually, WD, this guy was white! I blame your educational system - and ours here in Britain is heading the same way.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Keep Britain White View Post
    Actually, WD, this guy was white!

    This part had me cracking up ...... what a fucking delusional nigger lover.

    There - I fixed it.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

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    Ah yes...Black's invented everything...Read this...

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