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  1. #1
    Senior Trustee
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    Snigglet + BB gun + Virtual School = expulsion

    Link to story at bottom.

    The Libertarian side of me wants to say this is bullshit. I would not want this to happen to a human student.
    The fed up with niggers side of me tells me that niggers owning even toy guns need to be taught at an early age that they should not touch guns of any type at any time. No good has ever come of it.

    Grant you, this is a fuxated school and niggerhood (I know this for a fact - being 5 miles from me as I type) and niggers need to be dealt with firmly.

    Still I have to ask: When does your house become school property?
    It can be argued that the house is gubbament property already if it's section 8 (taxpayers pay the rent to private owners) and many cities and states do not allow guns in public housing some of which is public / private venture.

    Next, the schools will be able to expel you for having an intolerant racist / sexist propaganda book in screen view for having a Bible in the background - or maybe it's a Confederate flag? How about a copy of Huck Finn? How about they just catch you saying something disparaging about fat nigger lesbian atheists? There! That one should cover all the numbers!

    One school was already busted for using a laptop camera to spy on a student who was eating candy which the school deemed to be drugs since it looked like pills the kid was shoving into his mouth. This was after school hours on a computer that the school had clandestinely turned the camera on without the child's consent! He passed a drug test and the candy was shown to the school authorities. They still stood by the expulsion.

    It could have been much worse on the kid if it were caught in a compromising state of dress or sexual activity. I hope they sue the school into oblivion for invasion of privacy and take them for everything.

    What if a student was a Star Trek fan and had a phaser on the wall? That's a weapon. How about a baseball bat? Isn't that a weapon? One high school honor student on the school baseball team recently had his car impounded and was arrested for having a trophy with a small bat attached to it in his car while parked on school grounds. He had left it in his backseat from the athletic award ceremony from the night before - HELD AT THE SCHOOL! The school gave him the damn thing! They searched further and found his athletic bag with the rest of his equipment (school issued bat included) for after school practice on school grounds. They tried to ruin his life over it. Zero tolerance is bullshit and should not apply when over-ruled by common sense. The schools simply have none.

    This is a slippery slope we are on, my friends. Our Constitution and our God given civil rights as spelled out in the Bill of Rights are being stripped away at an exponential rate. As I have said many times, if it were simply a matter of government being incompetent, they would eventually make a mistake in the people's favor.

    Of course, I have no love for my tax dollars being wasted on schooling for anyone who will simply squander it and flush my hard earned money down the shitter. Statistically speaking, virtually every nigger will. Of course, truth be known, (and it probably won't) there is probably much more to this story than the parents or the MSM are reporting. We'll have to wait and see. I plan to keep my eyes on this story and will post developments as I find them.

    Frankly, I don't believe in public education AT ALL! If you don't have the patience to home school your kids, or don't have the money to privately school them, then DON'T HAVE KIDS! Why should I pay for your piss poor planning or mistakes? Why should I pay to school any kids, much less schooling niggers, especially when mine are grown? Public schools and the tax system to pay for them are socialist number one priority when first staging a communist revolution. It started here how many years ago? They shouldn't exist at all.

    Don't get me wrong, I am in no way, shape or form backing this snigglet. Since a nigger dreams of being a great and respected pimp/dealer/gang banger, there is still a 99 percent chance of it being a future felon and that's the only "successful" prediction you can make about any of them.

    So it is nice to see the little nigger be the victim of it's own handlers - handlers which were appointed by dims and niggers themselves. The parents are democrats, the school board democrats, virtually all of Jefferson Parish Government and citizens are dimocraps and they are eating their own.
    Last edited by tweakstick; 09-26-2020 at 05:13 AM.
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
    Jim Crow's Avatar
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    The liberal scholastic system is fucked. I know of a child that was suspended because he wrote an essay on his winter break hunting trip with his father. And he mentioned a rifle.Another student was suspended because he took bites out of a pop tart to make it look like a handgun. Kids have been suspended for taking toy guns to school,And sent home for wearing a shirt with a gun manufacturer name on it.I’m not saying all this is right. I don’t agree with it. But the liberal scholastic system does it every day, and has been getting away with it.Hell, they will order you to take a cross off your neck. And if you don’t comply that could lead to suspension.
    It does not surprise me that monkey boy nigg future criminal was suspended because his brother brought a BB gun into the room when he was on virtual school. Those are the liberal rules. The idiot liberals control the Scholastic system and they’re getting away w/this stupid shit.
    On the bright side, you can’t teach your nigg anything anyway.He can take the six days to practice on his stealing and rioting skills.