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  1. #1
    Shuckin N Jivin
    Chimpout Guest

    Kentucky's only sheboon rep arrested

    Kentucky state Rep. Attica Scott got arrested and charged with felony rioting: It is reported that the sheboon uttered, "You can't stop the revolution, , you can’t stop the movement for justice for Breonna Taylor", which indicates it's violent, anti-American, subversive tendencies and extreme stupidity.

    As we all know, Breonna Taylor was a young sowpotamus that was harboring money and drugs with it's live-in muh-dik'er and got made good by police when they went to wrangle the niggers in their nest. No justice is needed, so, why riot and loot? ... because.... NIGGERS.

    In addition to first-degree rioting, the sheboon is charged with two misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly and failure to disperse. It will be arraigned on Oct. 6. If convicted, it faces up to five years in prison. Hopefully justice will be served and people will learn not to elect niggers for any office. Involving niggers in anything always ends badly. It's just a matter of time before a nigger chimps out in some way.

    I suspect its name came from the prison that the buck went to shortly after siring it. Its mammy must have thought the name of the prison sounded pretty.

  2. #2
    Senior Trustee
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shuckin N Jivin View Post
    In addition to first-degree rioting, the sheboon is charged with two misdemeanor counts of unlawful assembly and failure to disperse. It will be arraigned on Oct. 6. If convicted, it faces up to five years in prison. Hopefully justice will be served and people will learn not to elect niggers for any office. Involving niggers in anything always ends badly. It's just a matter of time before a nigger chimps out in some way.
    I suspect its name came from the prison that the buck went to shortly after siring it. Its mammy must have thought the name of the prison sounded pretty.
    This uglier than a sow's ear bitch can accuse the cops all it wants. In today's climate, especially in that location, cops wouldn't dare have arrested it without concrete evidence. It's claiming that since it was in her district, it couldn't have been her because dey be her constishuance that she was elected to serve. That is on its face bullshit. All niggers do is destroy their own neighborhoods because they are too scared/lazy/transportationally challenged to do it in human neighborhoods. They riot in their own neighborhoods because it's easier to carry their loot back to their roach nest if it's only a few blocks away. Runnin wit dem big scrainz is hard, yo!

    It's name could have just as easily have come from where it was conceived: "Me an yo Uncle/Daddy wuz in da attic-a-fuggin away when he done slipped on a banana peel an blowed his baby batter in my monkey chute afo pullin out!"
    tweakstick \ˈtwēkˈstik\ 1: A small plastic calibration tool, used for making adjustments on electrical or mechanical equipment. 2: A large wooden calibration tool, used for making adjustments on antiquated farm equipment.

  3. #3
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    a nigger revolution? These useless shit skin apes have no ability to organize anything outside of robberies and muh dik. You just can't polish turds. Niggers are inferior and no amount of wishful thinking or money thrown at nigger causes can ever change it.
    Tough on niggers and the causes of niggers !

  4. #4
    Blue Gum
    Chimpout Guest
    I hope this nigger monkey gets convicted of a FELONY. If you didn't know how niggers operate, you'd be scratching your head trying to figure out why?...Why do niggers protest against a hard and fast law? You shoot at the police they're gonna shoot back, and if you're on the side that's doing the shooting, well tough shit for you...

    That purple nigger Crumb, the nigger lawyer that's been taking all these nigger shooting cases in the news lately , Ooking the other day...saying " how can boon briana get shot down in it's own nigger nest?" Well mr. Purple nigger lawyer, boon Briana's buck started shooting at the police...WTF do you think is gonna happen you stupid piece of purple nigger shit...

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Blue Gum View Post
    I hope this nigger monkey gets convicted of a FELONY. If you didn't know how niggers operate, you'd be scratching your head trying to figure out why?...Why do niggers protest against a hard and fast law? You shoot at the police they're gonna shoot back, and if you're on the side that's doing the shooting, well tough shit for you...

    That purple nigger Crumb, the nigger lawyer that's been taking all these nigger shooting cases in the news lately , Ooking the other day...saying " how can boon briana get shot down in it's own nigger nest?" Well mr. Purple nigger lawyer, boon Briana's buck started shooting at the police...WTF do you think is gonna happen you stupid piece of purple nigger shit...
    That stupid ape should be DISBARRED!! I urge all chimpers to watch the tampon martin hoax. GREAT documentary and I hope ZMan gets a YUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE sttlement from crumb and tampon's mammy & pappy!!

  6. #6
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    Niggers aren’t capable of any revolution. They don’t have the capability of organizing.And they aren’t loyal to anything, including their own ape species.All they will do is run amok rioting looting and vandalizing their own properties in their own cities.Nigger is a pathetic and useless species. Useful to no one including themselves. They need to be sent back to Africa where they belong in the fucking jungle running around with a fucking loincloth trying to rape a monkey

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