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  1. #1
    Chimpout Member
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    Affirmative blacktion... in action...

    Well, I am in the market for a new job. I have several years experience working in factories, most of which have been supervisory roles, which basically means that I did the same damn job as everyone else on top of being a babysitter and dealing with all the other perks of being HNIC like quality control, inventory, orders, etc. I finally had enough due to the constant civil war waged against me by my crew who refused to take orders from a white man (at least that is what Google translate told me *hint*).

    So, I see that Frito Lay is hiring nearby. Same job, basically, only I'd be low man on the totem pole, however the advertised starting pay was pretty darn decent. So I read over all the requirements and all that fun stuff. I checked every box and more. I'm the perfect candidate for this job you'd think. At the end of every page in the online application was your typical "equal opportunity" disclosure. So I continued and I am forced to fill out the race and gender portion. If it's equal opportunity, why tf should I have to fill this out? But it was required. White. Male. (aka the most discriminated against person in America).

    Fast forward to the next day and I get an email from them telling me, "Unfortunately, you do not meet the minimum requirements for this job". What?! Why tf not? My 3 year old could do the job. The only part that could disqualify me was that bullshit affirmative blacktion questionnaire I had to fill out.

    So I figured I'd do a little experiment. I get back on their website and send in another application using a different email. I filled out the application just like the other, but with slightly less qualifications and instead of being a white male, I am now a strong black woman. Click send.

    Within an hour I get an offer from Frito Lay to come in for an interview. Well go fucking figure.

    Has anyone else been discriminated against for being white while job hunting?

  2. #2
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    Wow, do you have all this documented, saved emails and such? If so, like Doc said, sue the shit out of them.
    "About ten minutes I'm gonna be back, you better be fucking gone!"

  3. #3
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    OH, and go show up for the interview anyway and watch their faces, let them explain the problem in person.
    "About ten minutes I'm gonna be back, you better be fucking gone!"

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    He should go buy a cheap weave and go in 'blackface' then claims he identifies as a black woman
    Oh hell... pull a CatboyKami, and say "sheeeet nigga" inbetween every sentence and threaten to "cap yo ass" if he doesn't get the job.
    "About ten minutes I'm gonna be back, you better be fucking gone!"

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by witch doctor View Post
    sue them for discriminatory hiring.

  6. #6
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    Oh yeah, I have everything documented. I'm tempted to show up, even if it's only trolling and making a scene. My issue is being able to afford an attorney or even finding one who will take the case based on my limited evidence so far. Even with a written confession, we all know it's an uphill battle given my race. Courts ARE biased.

  7. #7
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    Not trying to sell sour grapes to you, but Frito-Lay is no longer a decent company to work for anyhow, from what I know. I was a merchandiser for Bud a few years back, and for most of that time Frito-Lay was known as a great company to work for. Great pay, after you'd been there for enough time you had your own route and basically owned it, made enough money to hire pull up boys to do the grunt work so you worked 8 hours a day, etc. Not so long ago, Frito-Lay (at least in the South) went through a major reorganization. They basically started fucking with all of the old timers, reorganizing profitable routes that people had built up over time, giving them out of town stores to make the hours longer, etc.

    A buddy of mine applied to work there as a floater around this time. He got an interview, passed, and was sent on a "ride along" as sort of a final test. A nigger was also sent on a ride along on a different route. My buddy figured he had the job, as the guy he rode with had delivered to his store for years and they were tight, and he knew what he was doing and was recommended for the job. He got a call a few days later saying he didn't get the job. He called the guy that he'd rode with, who told him (off the record) that the supervisor of the district had to give the position to a "diversity" hire no matter what. About six months later, when he had his own bread route, he told me how lucky he was to not have been hired for the job--Frito-Lay treats the merchandisers like shit now.

    As for the people recommending you sue--Affirmative Action is the Law, and good luck suing if you try. I wouldn't sue for discrimination unless I could get a lawyer to take it on a contingency basis with no money down, even if he got 70%. You ain't gonna win, and if you do, you'll get nothing for it. Best to just start buying regional chips as a protest--they're better anyhow. Golden Flake was always better than Lays, as was Zapp's--even if the niggers do like they Zapp's tooz.

  8. #8
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    A lot of companies are going this route unfortunately. Used to work for a local grocery store chain as a kid. I was bright and smart and worked my way up the totem pole very, very quickly. Then that local chain got sold off to dylan-kroger and that soon went to shit. Pretty soon they had quotas of niggers and other 'marginalized demographics' to meet and they quite literally ran off a lot off of the management and general workers that were white and male. Then, in 2003, it was time for the labor contract to be renegotiated between the union and the company. The company knew full well the union wasn't worth a shit anymore, so they went on a firing binge and fired as many of their employees as they could. They already knew that union was going to capitulate and throw the workers under the bus and they did. The company managed to get the union to lower wages, benefits and privileges without any kind of a reasonable fight, thus allowing the company to re-hire more workers under the new contract to replace the fired ones at a much lower cost. (THX, union!)

    Meanwhile, the assmonkey McDonough over at UCFW stepped down as Union President and gave himself another job within the Union. After serving something like 10 months or so in this 'new job' he wrote himself a ridiculously high paycheck for that 'work' (don't quote me, but I think it was $500K) and then left the union for good. meh.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  9. #9
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    "Meanwhile, the assmonkey McDonough over at UCFW stepped down as Union President and gave himself another job within the Union."

    I remember that son of a bitch--his name was on my union card. I worked for the UFCW in the Las Vegas area back in the '80's, when the union (at least there) was still worth a bit of a shit. I used to work at a grocery store during summers off from college--the store manager would always hire me back every summer, and in a few summers I worked my up to 4th stage apprentice, two levels away from journeyman. Vons bought the company and had a mysterious fire/flood in the records office, and lost everyone's records pertaining to seniority, etc. I came back that summer to go to work, and before I talked to the new manager, some of my friends told me about the fire/flood. I told her that I was a fifth stage apprentice, and asked all my buddies to vouch for me. She hired me as fifth stage, then paid me courtesy clerk wages all summer, always saying, "I'll fix it next week," then "I don't know what's wrong with payroll, I'll fix it next week." Summer was almost over, and I called the union rep and explained things, and the next day the manager told me that since I was such a great worker they were promoting me to journeyman. Still, no back pay, so I called again, and the union asked to audit all payroll records for the store. A few days later, in the middle of the week, I got a "bonus" check covering what they owed me. About three months later, when I was back in school and really hurting for beer money, the union rep called me up wanting to know my address so he could mail me another check--he got me retroactively promoted to journeyman for the entire summer. I'm not the world's biggest union fan, but sometimes they do good. And, yeah, I didn't really deserve the extra money--and I did lie about being fifth stage--but. hey, fuck them. And William McDonough was a real assmaggot.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    Oh hell... pull a CatboyKami, and say "sheeeet nigga" inbetween every sentence and threaten to "cap yo ass" if he doesn't get the job.
    "Uh bees a transnigga mufugga!! I miss Catvoykami, he was beyond HYSTERICAL!!!!!!:!!

  11. #11
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    @ TF...

    Sadly, you can't use the second ap' as evidence of discrimination. You could be legally liable for misrepresentation and making false statements. Employment applications are considered "contracts" that are legally binding. Very one-sided, yes, but if you read the fine print where you digitally "sign", you are swearing that you have not made any false statements.

    There have been successful "reverse discrimination" suits in the recent past, but there is precious little case law because the defendant usually settles. The only adjudicated suits I know of were both class action and against public agencies.

    Good luck on the job hunt!

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