When I lived closer to town, there was a really cool playground where we would take the kids.

This playground was so cool I wished they had ones like it when I was a kid. It had all the trimmings and trappings, forts, stairways, tunnels, draw bridges, 3 levels, slides, swings, poles and on and on and on.

This playground was in an all white neighborhood, we never saw niggers there until I surprisingly spotted a pair of teen coons one afternoon.

There were also probably a dozen little kids, and 4 or 5 moms. We parked and walked over, I grabbed a bench near where the 2 niggers were hanging out so I could keep an eye on them, my two disappearing to play.

Immediately I heard the two nigger kids call each other "nigga" along with some other profanity.

My blood was already starting to boil and I was just about to stand up and walk over to order them to leave when suddenly, a mom appeared from nowhere and said something like "excuse me, could you please watch your language because I have some kids here" or something along those lines.

Both coons just looked at her with no response. She then asked if they heard what she said, which I thought good for her.

They looked at each other then mumbled something I couldn't hear and the woman walked away.

Within a minute, they were talking the same shit, the woman who had approached them was gathering her kids to leave.

I stood up, walked over and said "HEY NIGGER" in my most commanding voice.

They were stunned! They were shocked! They were speechless! They just stood and stared at me, their boot lipped mouths wide open.

I continued "which one of you is nigger?" They were still stunned speechless as I went on to say... "I know one of you is nigger because I heard one of you calling the other one nigger, but anyway, didn't that lady ask you to watch your language?

They looked at each other and were still in shock and silent. Apparently this was the first time anyone challenged them about their behavior that meant business.

Next I said "If you niggers can't watch your mouths, you need to get the fuck out of here right now. In fact, just leave now. You are not welcome here".

They turned tail without saying a word and briskly walked away to the trail in the woods where they apparently came from. Probably to get mammy or the live in buck in their lives.

The moms were standing there speechless as well. I have a feeling they were all coddlers, or possibly excessively politically correct because while they seemed appreciative, they never high fived me or anything like that.

When I got home and the kids told Mrs. CCR what happened at the playground today, I got her standard response... "you are going to get shot one of these days". That was 15 years ago and I'm still here!