My brother owns an auto parts store. On a beautiful Saturday summer afternoon, a 400 pound or so sheboon comes knuckling in and up to the counter.

This was an oddity because we don't have too awfully many niggers out our way, they just don't come around often.

She requested to use the baffroom. The ladies room is in the hallway leading out to the warehouse, so he directed her in that direction. She waddled like a penguin towards the ladies room.

A customer came in, a couple of phone calls, another customer. Maybe 15 to 20 minutes had elapsed when my brother realized she was still in the restroom.

He walked to the door and listened... initially no sound, so he tried the knob to see if it was locked, being about 99% certain he didn't see her leave.

It was locked. He was about to knock to ask if she was OK when he heard a flush.

He went back to the counter and started closing down for the day. Eventually the sheboon opened the door and knuckled her way out, not ever so much as acknowledging my brother or thanking him for using the facilities.

He was just relieved she left 5 minutes before 5, as 5 was closing time. The last thing he wanted to do was hang around after hours while Aunt Jemima was in there taking a shit.

At 5 he walked over to the front entrance doors to lock up. When he turned around to walk to the hallway to kill the lights, he saw wet footprints coming from the restroom hallway.

He immediately walked
to the ladies room where a shit stench permeated the hallway. Finding the door locked, he thought WTF? Now he had to locate a key that probably hadn't been used or even seen since he moved in several years earlier.

Thankfully, a short search located the key with the help from an off duty counterman who answered his phone on his day off.

My brother unlocked the door and swung it open. It was as bad as he had visualized. Not only did it stink to high heaven, shit water was all over the floor, the toilet bowl was empty except for what looked like half a roll of brown toilet paper... paper macheted to the bottom! The TP holder was holding a bare cardboard tube, the spare roll and tube completely missing.

The last thing he wanted to do when he should have been out of there was cleaning up after this filthy nigger, but the smell would've wrecked the place if he left the mess until Monday morning.

He gave it a test flush and to no surprise, the water filled the bowl to the top of the rim and it stayed right there. It took 3 or 4 minutes for the water to recede only an inch.

He got the mop and bucket, gloves and a garbage bag and proceeded to unload the bowl once the shitwater level receded. Just plain disgustingly nasty.

Another test flush with the same results prompted a trip to the men's room to get the plunger, returning to the stink filled area to plunge the toilet, which only resulted in more water on the floor. I could visualize him plunging away saying "fucking nigger, fucking nigger, fucking nigger" with every stroke.

(When he told me this story, I could not contain myself from exploding in violent laughter)

He tried for 15 mins to plunge it with no success, only making the mess bigger and the stench worse.

He spent the next 30 mins calling plumbers and talking to their answering services, eventually one called him back about 10 minutes later. It was already well past 6pm.

The plumber said he could be there in 20 mins, and if it was a quick fix, he'd even waive the after hours surcharge.

20 minutes almost to the mark, a car rolls up to the front door, the trunk pops open and out hops a guy who retrieves a "closet auger" from the trunk.

A closet auger is a specialized tool, basically a snake to make short, clean work of cleaning out the trap built into the base of the toilet, normally the root of the problem of a terminally clogged shitter.

The plumber came in, introduced himself and 10 minutes later, announced that the blockage must be in the drain line and not in the toilet. More smell and more shit water on the floor too.

He said he could be back in an hour with his truck and a snake, but from this point he would be on the clock.

My brother had no choice because not a single additional plumber had responded to the messages he left.

A little before 7, the plumber left for his shop, my brother ran home to shower and grab a bite. He was back at the store in an hour, the plumber pulling up in his van a few minutes after that.

Long story short, after removing the toilet from the floor, then 45 minutes and several sections of cable later, the plumber retrieved a womans pair of underwear, about the size of a feed sack from the building drain... he estimated they nearly made it all the way to the sewer main at the street by the amount of cable he used, the cable sections now stacked in the hallway, shit water oozing from them onto a walk off mat.

There was shit spray everywhere. The walls, the floor, the stall, most from the spinning drain cleaning machine. It now smelled the worse it had all day!

At 9pm, after re-setting the shitter on the floor, my brother paid the plumber $300 and he left leaving my brother another hour plus of work to clean up the shit mess which included a trip to the store for additional cleaning supplies.

All in all, about $325 in expenses and 5 non revenue hours of extra work spent at the store.

All because he let a nasty coon in to use the baffroom.

The ladies room now has an "Electrical Closet" sign on the door and remains locked. A "No Public Restroom" sign is clearly visible at the front door because a "No niggers" sign be rayciss.