A guy I worked with renovated a few single family homes he bought so cheap he put them on his credit card.

As he finished the renovation, he would rent them out to white trash (houses were in the hood) and move on to renovating the next one.

Upon completion of number 3, he was already tired of playing hide and seek for the rent money with his renters on the first of the month.

He caved and had them all inspected for Section 8 occupancy.

The rent was always there, but the nigger nightmare had begun.

Eventually, one nigger family had to go because of drug trafficking.

They left without a court ordered eviction because they were all sentenced to prison, but they allowed nigger squatters to stay until the last minute... but get this.

Before the niggers left, they flushed a bag of Quick-Crete down the toilet. They even put a nice trowel finish on it even with the rim with a smiley face on it!

What got flushed set up in the elbow under the basement floor which had to be jackhammered up.

After that incident, all 3 houses were listed and sold. He claims to have broke even on the sales, I personally think he lost a bit as these remos weren't cheap as the houses being prior nigger nests were pretty far gone.

Even if he had broke even, he spent 3 years... every minute of time he wasn't at work busting his ass to fix the houses up, then maintaining them and the yards. Was it worth it? I say hell no!

Just one story of many of why it is never a good idea to rent to niggers.