Once in a while I go to YouTube to look at how-to videos. Recently I started watching some ABC What Would You Do clips hosted by John Quinones. Many of my comments were about Quinones race baiting good people, manufacturing scenarios that I really think don't happen as they present it. I know there's a lot of us who detest niggers, but we don't engage them as it only ends in disaster.

Some young cunts (sorry for being so vulgar but that's how these nigger worshippers behave) keep telling me that I need to realize racism, the plight of African Americans, and that I was part of the problem why racism still exists.

Well I do troll them, trying to get a rise out of them, with sayings like "wait till your pets turn on you". Then they become unglued and keep cursing me. I said, hey, I've been around and I just know how they behave, and they're not gentle people as you fool yourselves.

Then I said, "who killed Nipsey Hussle?". Another black guy! That's when they can't accept facts and reality, so I double down and say G. Floyd was a criminal. They lose it.

I'm wondering if any of you have any experience and tips to battling these idiots. I do it for fun to piss off the braindead nigger worshippers.