I’m just a white guy that likes to shoot rifles and display my confederate flag.Niggers have been annoying me all my life.All they want to do is commit crimes,cause problems and live on welfare checks.They are irresponsible pieces of shit. Most white people hate them, but are too chickenshit to admit it.
What has got me kicked off now,is that they want to be treated like white people. But they act like fucking monkeys.Respect isn’t given, it’s earned. They have been in this country for nearly 200 years and they still haven’t learned how to act civilized.
And now there are worthless nigger loving white pieces of shit wanting us to bow down to niggers because they were slaves 150 years ago.Do you want to tear down statues and ban might be loving confederate flag. Because it reminds a baboon who is never a slave about his ancestors. Ain’t that some shit?
Well, slavery is the best thing to happen to the motherfucking spooks.It got them into a civilized country where some brainless nigger loving piece of shit white people actually voted one into the White House.Boy was that a fucking mistake!
The BLM and the violence is the last straw for me. This shit is driving me crazy. They are burning down honest people’s businesses,looting and destroying cars, just for the fuck of it. And they’re getting away with it!

I also hate mudsharking white whores.Thank God both of my daughters married respectable white men and gave me beautiful intelligent white grandchildren.I’d probably be in prison if one of my daughters ever brought a fucking baboon into my home for introduction. But I raised them to know that niggers are worthless pieces of shit!
I had a few white friends that I grew up with, whom I disowned because their daughters fucked niggers and they not only allowed it,but actually love the little half breed niglets and are raising them as humans.How disgraceful!