About a decade ago, the transit authority in Cleveland installed ticket kiosks at the bus stops on a new bus line extending from downtown out to University Circle where the hospitals and colleges are located.

Instead of plugging up the door of the bus while feeding the meter with coins or limp dollar bills, to speed the boarding (perhaps herding process a better choice of words) process, you simply purchased your ticket from the kiosk while waiting for the bus. (if you were white that is). The niggers sped things up by skipping the purchase and jumping the turnstile.

This saved time at each stop, allowing more passengers to be moved quicker.

You retained your purchased ticket for possible inspection by transit police if they were riding.

A period of time elapsed when suddenly the transit PoPo and transit authority are being accused of racial profiling by the nigger loving groups because 9 out of 10 fare jumping tickets were issued to niggers.

When investigative surveillance showed that 9 out of 10 fare jumpers were actually niggers (as suspected) and were not being profiled, just not paying their fucking fare, it was necessary to change the prosecution policy because even if it was determined no profiling was taking place, it wasn't fair to the poor old nigger population to be burdened with a ticket for breaking the law.

The original penalty seemed fair, a court appearance, usually a couple hundred bucks and possibly some NU if caught frequently.

The policy was then amended to... if you happened to get caught fare jumping, you simply had 3 days to pay $25 for the problem to go away. No citation, no court appearance, no fine, no jail time.

So basically after less than 10 turnstile jumps (easily accomplished in one day before lunch) you were ahead of the game.

This was the transit authority's remedy to the coon epidemic of fare jumping. A non rayciss compromise between the crime of fare jumping and paying only if you are caught, not spending time at NU, plus you kept your weekly crack money.

Another win win for the gibbs me dat coons!