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I'm writing a third email to him today, then I shall take my questions further up the chain.
The Prime Minister will be next. But I'm going to get some answers from someone.
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Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
I'm writing a third email to him today, then I shall take my questions further up the chain.
The Prime Minister will be next. But I'm going to get some answers from someone.
Best of luck!! You are doing IMPORTANT work and we at Chimpout appreciate your efforts.
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Thank you, haywood.
Well, I actually got a reply, and it said that a letter had been sent on 27th August! Well, I most certainly didn't receive it, but I shall give my MP the benefit of the doubt.
I got the sort of reply one would normally get from an opposition MPs question in the House of Commons. I'm not sure of the legal situation if I actually reproduce the letter here, but the gist of it was that the immigrants are people who have escaped from unimaginably dangerous places. No response about how he felt if Britain should become a black-majority nation.
I have responded, and asked for more clarity on several issues. I will keep you informed, but I don't think any MP is going to put his head above the parapet on this issue. They value their careers too much.
But this is most certainly NOT the end of the matter!
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I'm sending a final email to my MP today. If there's no response, Boris is next!
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Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
I'm sending a final email to my MP today. If there's no response, Boris is next!
AWESOME!! Please keep us posted!!
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Good luck getting a reply! I'm sorry to say that anyone involved in government has sold their soul to get to their position. The only way I've found here is to threaten them with negatives votes or abstention for voting for them to let the figures get their attention. If you hit them in their pride or their pocket book then you'll get their attention, otherwise; they take your letter and toss it in the trash can that's labeled piss off. Many years ago I went on a trip to Austin, Texas with a group to some lobbying on illegal immigration enforcement. It reminded me of the little dog that sat on the sun deck of the rear window of a car whose head bobbed up and down while driving. On rare occasions its eyes would light when the brakes were activated. The point of the analogy is you could see your words bouncing off these individuals all of the while their head bobbed up and down.
The other way to get their attention is to catch them fucking someone or something else other than their marriage. This can be dangerous because they can fuck back legally by dragging you into court and screwing with your finances. Any excuse will work but the threat of terrorist actions is the one they seem to use the most. Its a bitch to fight but it is also a bitch to prove. Sadly it will cost you your savings defending yourself. Keep your eyes open and always watch your back.
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Bravo sir!
Well said and well received.
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Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
OK, folks, this is the situation. Below is the original article I've written, which will have to be toned down somewhat for the new website. But the whole point really is to get the subject of race out in the open, so people in Britain feel they can discuss it without fear of prosecution. The MSM has such a hold on the population that you'd think anyone with an opposite opinion of niggers is some kind of freak! Frankly, I think open discussion is the last thing liberal snowflakes want. With the law being what it is, most people in this country have a general feeling that you can end up in prison for merely discussing the subject. From what I've found, it seems most cases are in fact not prosecuted; they probably just pick a few cases here and there where they can get an easy conviction. Once that case hits the headlines, the general public feel they'd better just stay quiet. So this barrier HAS to be broken down.
So although the language may have to be toned down, at least the subject can be discussed.
Hi Keep Britain White, congrats to your superb work! Good to see that there are people who try to change things, or at least try to wake up the liberal idiots. Sadly, it will be probably very difficult to reach people on the left. People live in their own bubbles nowadays, and social media won't show your content. Besides, to my own experience many lefties simply can't / won't be willing/able to understand or discuss any topic that does not fit their narrative. But I am sure unz or amren would happily publish your letter!
Regarding your article: I do agree with everything, except the "Germany leads the EU" thing
. Short reason, we still are not a free country, and were blackmailed into the EU and "rescue Greece" etc. (Honestly, did you ever listen to Stalin Merkel or her retard "sister" von der Leyen? They don't come up with anything by themselves, they are just too stupid! I personally doubt vdL can even find a restroom on her own.) The real rulers are American consultant companies (McKinsey, Deloitte, accenture, pwc...) and NGOs. As you are told by bbc that Germany rules the EU, our media tells us how "evil" Brits are (were, when still in the EU. Big congrats by the way that you managed to get out of that criminal communist organization!!!).
I have no idea who is the real "brain" behind all that, but ultimately that is what socialists try to do all the time: They try to impose their beloved marxist "culture war" on white people. Regardless if it is via 3rd wave feminism (men vs. women), mass immigration (natives vs nigger/sand nigger colonialists), or, their newest thing "gender". The main goal is to divide people, regardless how! Their goal is to implement communism, UN and the "World Economic Forum" openly admit that - sadly nobody listens.

Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
[Wonderful letter!!]
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Thank you, SiT. I've been sitting on this for a while, but I'm working on it. I want to get some articles out there on the web, even if they're quickly removed; the idea being to get them seen by people who will pass them on.
I'm just thinking things through a while, but there's more to do....
In short, people just need to be able to hear another side of the argument.
How can you give equality to a race that isn't equal?
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Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
Thank you, SiT. I've been sitting on this for a while, but I'm working on it. I want to get some articles out there on the web, even if they're quickly removed; the idea being to get them seen by people who will pass them on.
Yes, it would be wonderful if at least a few more people would wake up! Sadly, most of the times liberals very often seem to be so stubborn and unable to comprehend logic arguments, it is almost as if they were mentally retarded. Especially younger people and females. Good luck and please keep us updated.

Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
How can you give equality to a race that isn't equal?
Exactly!! Niggers and paedophile goat fuckers are neither human nor do they belong to civilized societies. It is such a shame how sad and run-don western cities and counties have become!
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Originally Posted by
Yes, it would be wonderful if at least a few more people would wake up! Sadly, most of the times liberals very often seem to be so stubborn and unable to comprehend logic arguments, it is almost as if they were mentally retarded. Especially younger people and females. Good luck and please keep us updated.
Exactly!! Niggers and paedophile goat fuckers are neither human nor do they belong to civilized societies. It is such a shame how sad and run-don western cities and counties have become!
Tru Dat!!
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Super Moderator
AMEN brother, amen! I can't wait until you get this off the ground!
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
I made myself a DVD with "Tails" OS on it, so I can (they say) go on the web completely anonymously.
Is it as anonymous as they say, or could I still be traced?
Chimpout Member
Corrections Officer
If you want to browse and post anonymously, I recommend using the Tor browser (free) and you can also get a free VPN from ProtonVPN.
Help control the criminal population. Please spay or neuter your nigger
Senior Trustee

Originally Posted by
Keep Britain White
I made myself a DVD with "Tails" OS on it, so I can (they say) go on the web completely anonymously.
Is it as anonymous as they say, or could I still be traced?
Hi Keep Britain White, that question can't get answered the easy way! Tails is a Linux distribution, which routes all network traffic through TOR. Additionally, its Firefox browser comes with pre-installed anti tracking & adblock plug ins (ubock & umatrix). And Tails runs completely in your systems RAM, so no traces on your hard drive/ssd. So in theory you are anonymous, as long as you don't log in to sites who know your identity of course. And as long as you don't use a compromised system of course (at least Apple and Dell machines have compromised firmware that is started pre OS, and it is proven they actually use that to 'talk home'. In theory the Intel management system could do that as well, but afaik no such behaviour has been observed so far).
That being said: Tor (Tails) will protect you very well against tracking from Niggerbook, Apple, Google, Twitter, etc.
BUT (and that's the real problem in western societies where governments increasingly act against their own people), you are not protected against state agencies! The commercial OSes from the US have mandatory (Patriot Act, All Writs Act, etc.) built in backdoors for whatever agencies, and nobody knows if they did manage to smuggle backdoors into Linux, BSD, Tor,...
Hence Russia checked the Linux sources they used for their Astra Linux for years before they permitted its use, as did the Chinese with Kylin.
Long story short: Tails is the best thing you can do, and obviously you should avoid Apple & Google hardware&sw by all means. But you could use a regular Linux with full encryption and Tor as well, should not make a big difference. If you insist on a smartphone, it is advisable to use e.g. LineageOS, AOSP,... (as long as you don't install google store & apps of course), then you are able to even use system-wide Tor and adblockers on a phone as well. If you don't plan to relocate to China, and as long as you don't mind getting tracked by the Chinese government, you could of course use a Huawei phone as well
- just joking.
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