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  1. #1
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    Roger stone tells dumb, bix nood nigger radio host to piss off during interview

    Mistake #1: going on a coony ass nigger radio show called the 'Mr. Mo Kelly Show.'
    Mistake #2: trying to decode his Trump hating, indecipherable niggerbabble bix nood.
    Roger Stone Melts Down on The Mo'Kelly Show

    It's a trap, Roger.

    At one point, Stone and Mo'Kelly are discussing the charges brought against Stone, which included lying to Congress, witness tampering and obstruction of a congressional committee, and why other people in the administration hadn't faced the same kind of investigations and inquiries. Mo'Kelly pointed out that while certain people are treated differently in the federal justice system, Stone's relationship with Trump made him different than most defendants.

    "I do believe that certain people are treated differently in the federal justice system. I do absolutely believe that. But I also believe that your friendship and relationship and history with Donald Trump weighed more heavily than him just wanting to make sure that justice was done by a person in the justice system, that you were treated so unfairly," Mo'Kelly tells Stone. "There are thousands of people treated unfairly daily. Hell, your number just happened to come up in the lottery. I'm guessing it was more than just luck, Roger, right?"

    There's a pause, then what sounds like Stone's voice can be heard telling someone on the other end that "I don't really feel like arguing with this negro."

    "I'm sorry, what was that?" Mo'Kelly asks. "Roger? I'm sorry, what did you say?"

    The line remains open for several seconds and what sounds like to be an exasperated sigh on the other end as Mo'Kelly continues to try and reconnect with his guest. After several moments, Stone suddenly reappears.

    "I hear that the line is not dead," Mo'Kelly says.

    "Uhh, you're back," Stone says. "You there? Hello?"

    Mo'Kelly tells Stone he heard him on the other end say something about a negro.

    Stone immediately snaps back. "I did not. You're out of your mind. You're out of your mind."
    Let's rewind.
    But I also believe that your friendship and relationship and history with Donald Trump weighed more heavily than him just wanting to make sure that justice was done by a person in the justice system, that you were treated so unfairly
    Huh? What kind of dumbfucking idiot niggerbabble is that? That doesn't even make any sense.
    Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to avoid every nigger you meet.

  2. #2
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    The smarter a nigger tries to sound, the worse it gets. No good ever comes from giving a nigger a microphone.

    What the hell was Mr. Stone thinking by agreeing to go on his show? He obviously had reservations or he wouldn't have called him "that negro." He should have went with his instincts. Fire your publicist, Roger - or whoever set this up.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by tweakstick View Post
    The smarter a nigger tries to sound, the worse it gets. No good ever comes from giving a nigger a microphone.

    What the hell was Mr. Stone thinking by agreeing to go on his show? He obviously had reservations or he wouldn't have called him "that negro." He should have went with his instincts. Fire your publicist, Roger - or whoever set this up.
    This right here.

    Did you happen to listen to the Rush Limbaugh segment where he spoke with the niggers at some talk show called the breakfast club? Oh and there is another example of niggers taking over something that was created by the white man. They should sue the niggers for using that. Can't even come up their own name for a morning show.

    You'll notice those niggers on the show refuse to have any other view than that of a nigger where YT is the root of all evil. I sent Rush an email scolding him for wasting his time taking to them.

  4. #4
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    This right here.

    Did you happen to listen to the Rush Limbaugh segment where he spoke with the niggers at some talk show called the breakfast club? Oh and there is another example of niggers taking over something that was created by the white man. They should sue the niggers for using that. Can't even come up their own name for a morning show.

    You'll notice those niggers on the show refuse to have any other view than that of a nigger where YT is the root of all evil. I sent Rush an email scolding him for wasting his time taking to them.

    Rush should have known better than to do this. It's what my family calls pissing up a rope. The only way to defeat these idiots in the "arena of ideals" as he puts it, it to destroy them. Do not humor them, do not try to understand them. Do not hear them out or let them have a say ever, especially on their own ground. Never argue with idiots. It will just tire you out. The only way to defeat them is complete and utter destruction. It is all they understand. They will not change. Idiots are too stupid to know that they are wrong. Their willful ignorance prevents them from ever learning because being humble is a prerequisite for learning anything, under any circumstances. Rush of all people knows this and has said as much on numerous occasions.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Frank View Post
    This right here.

    Did you happen to listen to the Rush Limbaugh segment where he spoke with the niggers at some talk show called the breakfast club? Oh and there is another example of niggers taking over something that was created by the white man. They should sue the niggers for using that. Can't even come up their own name for a morning show.

    You'll notice those niggers on the show refuse to have any other view than that of a nigger where YT is the root of all evil. I sent Rush an email scolding him for wasting his time taking to them.
    What PISSES me off is that nigger on the breakfast club calls itself Charlamagne tha' god!! What bull$hit is this, naming yourself as the Holy Roman Emperor?! ANd the nigger obviously doesn't like the letter "e.''

  6. #6
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    I continue to believe that using the term "Negro" gets their tails in the air far more than the term "nigger". The best part of that is, the terms "Negro" and "Negroid" are actually necessary racial qualifiers in certain branches of Human sciences. Dislike it as they will, niggers will never be able to be completely free of those terms.

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