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Thread: Request Denied

  1. #1
    Sambo Rastus
    Chimpout Guest

    Request Denied

    FEMA denied Minnesota's request for disaster funds to rebuild Minneapolis after the nigger riots. It seems the left-wing Democratic Governor and cuck beta boy Mayor refused law enforcement offers for support from the Federal Government to quell the niggershines, riots and looting before they caused the damage to begin with. Now they must live with their poor judgement and bad decision making. They failed the number one job of government: to protect citizens and property and provide for safety, law and order. First they refuse federal law enforcement support to stop the destruction before it happened, then they want federal financial support to clean up the mess the allowed to occur. They let this happen intentionally to virtue signal (coddle niggers) and undermine the President, and now, they get to reap what they have sown.

    Seems fair. Why should conservative led states have to pay states that let their niggers get so out of control that they cause a half billion dollars worth of damage? Maybe, when Minnesotan's taxes go up, they will remember why. Maybe they'll choose more wisely next time they vote. Maybe someone will explain to them how much their beloved niggers cost them.

    All I can say is.... BAA HAA HAA Ha ha ha ha ha aha !!! AHH HAA HAA Ha Ha ha ha ha !!!! WAAA HAA HA HA Ha ha ha ha ha ha !!!! Hee hee hee hee ! Whooo !

  2. #2
    Senior Corrections Officer
    Sheboon DeLuxe's Avatar
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    Good post, Rastus. You should join up.

  3. #3
    Senior Trustee
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  4. #4
    Chimpout Guest
    Good work conservatives.

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