The story of the recent splattering of this entitled clamfighting cuck SJW that briefly learned to fly from the I-5 runway in Seattle is just fucking hilarious. The irony of it must be a sign from the heavens. Her last Feces-spook entry was "I'm not attracted to cis men pls leave me alone."

This pink haired, radical lesbot, spoiled white girl was so busy trying to use the latest proper pronouns and dancing to some nigger music that she never realized that a car was heading toward her on, of all places for a car to be, a FUCKING FREEWAY! She had no business on the freeway and no business bitching about dayed niggers that simply didn't concern her. She got launched into the air spinning like a nigger chaser (fitting as it was the 4th of July) by of all things - AN ETHIOPIAN THAT RAN FROM THE COPS!!! The driver, Killwhite Delete, (maybe it was Dawit Kelete - either way a niggerbabble name), Had apparently went the wrong way up a ramp to get on the interstate to evade barricade vehicles set up to close the roadway.

She worked as a vet clinic tech (cleaning up animal shit) and now an animal has turned her into a greasy spot on the road. Fitting, wouldn't you say?

Whiz-gig niggerlover Summer Taylor

Ethiopian crowd plowing nigger Dawit Kelete