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  1. #1
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    Good advice on dealing with a knife attacker

    You always see vids on fighting back etc.. I think this is realistic for regular guys and gals etc..

  2. #2
    Ignatow's Avatar
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    Live to fight another day, until you bring a gun to a knife fight.
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  3. #3
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    I would rather have a gun put in my face than a knife. If you know what you are doing and the other guy (likely nigger) only has one paw on the gun, you can disarm it and shoot it with its own weapon. You CANNOT disarm anyone with a knife. You will die painfully. Better to CCW and take as many steps back as you can while firing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Are you serious. If you spent anytime in the military they teach you how disarm a person with a knife very easily.
    I didn't join the Corps, you know...

    I've had so many guys that were trained how to do it that told me don't bother unless you absolutely have to - it's not worth it.

    As for me, I'll just stick with CCW. Either way, I'm too old for that shit.

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    Are you serious. If you spent anytime in the military they teach you how disarm a person with a knife very easily.
    It's easier to use a gun to disarm a person with a knife.

    Just put a bunch of holes in the knife wielder. Problem solved.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    What if you don't have a gun and he is 2 or 3 feet from you.... what do you do then?
    Run away like any sane person would.

    I know how it feels to get stabbed and sliced with knives. It tends to be an unpleasant experience.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Witch Doctor View Post
    What if you don't have a gun and he is 2 or 3 feet from you.... what do you do then?
    For me, it would depend. If I'm by myself, I'm taking my chance with my feet unless I'm cornered. If with family, I guess I'm going down fighting - and no, the Navy didn't bother teaching any of that shit to us. I wish they did but they train you what they feel they need to train you. It was a grand total of zero for me except the firearms training which I had to seek out on my own through the Navy. I found it, it was offered once I pressed the issue, and I took it. If I had at least been ASF or another job that required it, I'm sure it would be different. I wasn't.

    I guess the Navy figured if the enemy made it all the way to where I was working, it would have been a lost cause anyway.

  8. #8
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    Most disarming techniques are only going to work on limp wristed, no grip attackers. There are a lot of videos you can watch that are laughable and only work in movie type scenarios. Honestly though even if this video is satire it is the best approach if you are not confidant or at least practiced.

    If you must fight your best bet is to try to get perpendicular with the attacker on the side the arm they are holding the knife. It will make it harder for them to strike you. Use both hands to grab their forearm before trying to strip the weapon. You are not Bruce Lee or Chuck Norris. Do not try and slap it out of their hands. You will gain a leverage advantage you can use to turn the blade inward at them. You start pushing that blade in at their torso and it is going to either loose up or its going in.

    There is always the old nut shot as well .
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  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    There is always the old nut shot as well .
    This is one of those "ancient Chinese secrets" that most people never talk about when discussing self defense. Completely legitimate strategy, though.

    On the odd chance that you might have to deal with a female knife wielder, something to keep in mind is that women have similarly sensitive organs in that general region.

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    This is one of those "ancient Chinese secrets" that most people never talk about when discussing self defense. Completely legitimate strategy, though.

    On the odd chance that you might have to deal with a female knife wielder, something to keep in mind is that women have similarly sensitive organs in that general region.
    I'm not sure the same level of incapacitation is possible I've had my boys just grazed a few times and was singing soprano for a minute or so. Worst shot I ever took was from a paintball gun at about 10 feet away. I am talking BULLSEYE. Got them both. I dropped to a knee and threw up. Then I shot the kid who did it right in the throat with my paintball gun. I was on the recliner for 2 days icing them. I didn't feel bad at all. The kid was about 12 so he knew better than to shoot someone who was already walking off field. Turned out he had a habit of doing that. Hiding on the path out and shooting guys in the nuts as they are walking down the path out. His father was pissed at me but when he found out he actually told his crying kid he hoped he learned something about being a man. Anyway...

    I'm old fashioned and perhaps in the PC world of today I am "sexist". I won't strike a woman even if she hits me. But unless we are talking a gorilla sow like Serina Williams I am confidant I will take that knife away without getting hurt. If that is the case I will default to my original tactic.

    Now if we were talking a typical battle sow I would be more worried they would collapse in fatigue and fall on top of me crushing my ribs under their weight. Battle sows can be fierce and dangerous but only in short burst before they need to rest for a week.
    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

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  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bottle_of_Hate View Post
    I'm old fashioned and perhaps in the PC world of today I am "sexist". I won't strike a woman even if she hits me. But unless we are talking a gorilla sow like Serina Williams I am confidant I will take that knife away without getting hurt. If that is the case I will default to my original tactic.
    If Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's pimp and madam) held a knife to your throat and told you to rape a 14 year old girl, what would you do?

    Unrelated, but vaguely related, I spent a lot of time as a non-commissioned officer in the military, and I will straight up say that there are some women that are just as bad, if not worse, than men.

    Failing to recognize the potential threat of a possible enemy is a weakness that can result in death.

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    Former Marine here.Agree with this. That video is supposed to be funny, but if you are not highly trained, it is very risky especially if the person attacking is half decent. I would not risk it unless I absolutely have to. One time I was working in groidland and one morning a young buck came asking for a cigarette then went ahead and attacked me with a lame ass knife similar to one in the video. I was trained in Russian Sambo before so I disarmed the ape but it managed to scratch my hip a little(almost bled). I tried to hold the ape down until human cops arrived but ape was too aggressive and slipped from underneath me leaving its fake leather jacket in my hands)) Anyway, you have to only defend when you have no other option.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Goodman Grey View Post
    If Ghislaine Maxwell (Epstein's pimp and madam) held a knife to your throat and told you to rape a 14 year old girl, what would you do?

    Unrelated, but vaguely related, I spent a lot of time as a non-commissioned officer in the military, and I will straight up say that there are some women that are just as bad, if not worse, than men.

    Failing to recognize the potential threat of a possible enemy is a weakness that can result in death.
    I would not let her get to my throat with a knife in the first place. There are lots of what if and one offs that can be inserted there. But typically it is not the case. Yes some women are badass but uncommon.

    Not saying someone, even a small woman can’t be a threat with a weapon. But in almost every case you will have a leverage advantage.

    If they are super ninja with the knife? Then the video is the option to take.

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    Give humans a pile of bricks and they will build you a city. Give niggers a city and they will build you a pile of bricks.

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  14. #14
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    Back in the late '70s - early '80s there was a lot of interest in knife fighting, and there were various books available in Soldier of Fortune magazine we all got. We loved carrying the Gerber MkI and MkII daggers in various rigs. Michael Echanis, a Philippine eskrima disciple, was the instructor for the US Special Forces at the time. I attended some classes where the techniques were taught and practiced, and they were always fairly informal, and a lot of fun, with none of the usual martial arts egocentric douche-baggery. We had our grease pencil-edged rubber knife practice sessions, which taught you what you might expect - don't get in a knife fight. However, if there has to be one, what we learned was effective, and even though I'm old now, I'm confident with a blade. My experience cutting up tunas and sharks definitely helps, and I'm an expert knife sharpener. I'm more of a Bowie fan these days (Jim, not David) and I like the Bill Bagwell deadly backcut technique.

    Here's a wild schvugger that attacked two 70 year old guys with a knife, on a NYC train car recently. I can't get the video link to play, but you might be able to. If it was me he tried that with, he would be carved up like a Thanksgiving turkey, and his muh dik giblets would be somewhere on the tracks, toasting on the 3rd rail.

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