My two cents...

I have always argued that it's not enough to just bitch about niggers. For for the last 20 years or so, it's been my strategy to do something about spreading the truth about them. The internet has made that much easier. There are a multitude of sites out there that allow comments on news stories. It takes a fair amount of discipline not to refer to niggers as "niggers", but it is possible to move the needle in a more subtle manner.

The goal is to push the subject in a pro-Human direction. Never let up. Keep steering the issue...

This site is a great resource for material. Yes, we rant, joke, and bitch about Negroes, but we also strategize, whether we realize it or not. We confirm with facts what we already instinctively know.

I encourage all of you to take those facts, go forth, and tell the truth about niggers. That's the best weapon we have against them and they know it.