Hey there everyone, been lurking on this forum for a while now and even made some posts in the guest section under various different names. I decided to finally make an account and join as a full fledged member because I'm sick of every other social media platform being a propaganda tool of the nigger/muslim loving left. I try avoiding politics, but even fitness, video game, music, and entertainment pages I follow on social media always virtue signal with that blm bullshit. I'm so fed up with all the lies and agendas! Nobody on the left bats an eye when chimps get gunned down by their fellow chimps, but god forbid a white police officer does his job and takes down a drugged up groid criminal in self defense... I think many people in general are fed up with the chimpouts going on right now. Many of my friends are silent and don't speak of these things publicly as we live in a blue state, but we are all sick of the handouts, special privilege, and entitlement of the common nigger. I'm glad to join the forum as I need a place to vent about these things.